Friday, January 23, 2009


In the last couple days, I have saved 54 inspiration images into the House folder in my Photobucket. I'm saving up inspiration for the big house that the husband and I will fill full of blond, curly haired little children some day. Okay, back to reality.

The collections of photos I recently saved have come from a number of sources, but I have to say my favorites came from Howard House Interiors. If you remember, Kerry Howard was a contestant on Top Design on Bravo TV. I never really noted his designs as ones that I would lust over, but I think he was voted off much too early....

I regress. The point is, he's an amazing designer and I had to share these inspiration photos with you. My favorite part about his designs: they are simple. Everyone knows I'm a clutter-phobe.

So, I don't know if this kitchen is my favorite...

Or this kitchen. They are both amazing.

I never thought I would like dark kitchen cabinetry before finding these images. I'm sold.


  1. I adore that fireplace and the first kitchen... beautiful!

  2. Those entry ways are awesome - I also start to hyperventilate with too much clutter.

  3. Love these shots they all look simple yet homey!

  4. Wow Bryn! The new blog layout looks fantastic!!!!! Great job!!

  5. I love that entry way (picture #1)...


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