Saturday, November 1, 2008

How To: DIY Marble Magnets

Another thing I did this afternoon was put together all the magnets for the winners of my blog contest! A couple of you asked for instructions, so I went ahead and did a vlog to show you how.

{I appologize - it was a last minute vlog and Matt recorded with his camera phone, so the quality is pretty poor. But hopefully you get the idea, and you can start making your own!}

Like I said in my vlog, I got all materials at Michaels. The materials are:

- Marbles with one flat edge; can be found in Florals
- Flat Magnets
- 3/4" hole punch
- E6000 Clear glue
- Magazines or scrap paper

And here are some pictures of the final product:


THANK YOU for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate each and every comment.