Monday, November 3, 2008

Dear Californians,

Tomorrow is election day. I'm not the type to try and preach my politics to people, but I do feel strongly against this topic and I want to share it with you. Please read this with an open mind.

Every child learns at a young age about Civil Rights in school. We learned about Rosa Parks and how she bravely refused to give up her spot on the bus. We learned about Century High School and how nine black students were blocked from going into an all white school in Alabama. What about the famous pictures of the young black men being painfully hosed down? And most importantly, we all learned about Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech.

Do you remember learning about those pivital days in history? I do. I remember as a young, innocent child thinking 'how could someone do that to another person? Why was there so much hate?'

Well here we are, almost 6 decades later. We've come so far as a country from those days of horrible discrimination...... or have we?
Everyday on my way home I pass at least 3 intersections of YES on 8 protesters and I immediately flashback to the images I saw in my textbooks as a child of the protesters during the Civil Rights movement. Why are we back to this? Why are there STILL people during this modern age fighting to deprive rights??

Voting YES on 8 unfairly discriminates humans of their rights and freedom, just like "seperate but equal" did back in the 60s. YES on 8 is not only about gay marriage - the issue of gay marriage is the tip of the iceberg; it's so much more than that. It's an issue of keeping a fundimental right from someone just because of who they were born to be and who they are attracted to.

Remember what Martin Luther King spoke of during that famous speech?

"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Well, I have a dream too. I have a dream that one day EVERYONE will not be judged by their skin, or sexual preference, but by the content of their character.

Please vote NO on 8 and do not deny any rights to anyone.

Thank you for reading this.
Update: Please check out this blog. She's a much better person than I, spending so much time and energy on NO on 8. Thank you for your time, Insomniac!


  1. Thank you Bryn. I will be voting NO on 8 tomorrow. I'm shocked by the number of Yes on 8 yard signs I've seen in my neighborhood.

  2. Bryn, I couldn't agree more. Like I've said before, I'm still a registered Californian voter. I sent in my absentee ballot and I voted NO on 8. I'll be staying up tomorrow to find out the results.

  3. I couldn't agree with you more. I can't believe that this is still an issue when we are almost entering the year 2009. It's incredible.
    Although I am not in California, we Floridians have a similar Amendment 2 and I definitely filled in a big fat no.

  4. Hi Bryn, found your blog recently but I think this is my first comment. I posted on this same topic last week and loved your take on it. I just cannot wrap my mind around why and how people can be against this. Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

  5. Hi Bryn, found your blog recently but I think this is my first comment. I posted on this same topic last week and loved your take on it. I just cannot wrap my mind around why and how people can be against this. Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

  6. I live in Arizona and I am just learning about this Prop 8 from a friend from home (Lake Forest, CA)... thank you for this message!

    I live in AZ and we have a version of this but I love MLK and his dream... good luck and good vote!

    PS: Thanks again for the idea board; B loves it too!

  7. Thanks for this post! I love that you've showed that you can be conservative politically, but still stand up for everyones civil rights!

  8. I could have sworn I saw a Yes on 8 sticker on your profile a few days ago though? Maybe I'm going mad. Am so glad to see that you support civil rights :)

    Great site - this is my first comment but I love the site anyway. Greetings from South Africa!

  9. clairew-

    I had a "republicans against 8" image on my blog for a while :)

    Thanks for reading!!

  10. I live in Arizona and I am just learning about this Prop 8 from a friend from home (Lake Forest, CA)... thank you for this message!

    I live in AZ and we have a version of this but I love MLK and his dream... good luck and good vote!

    PS: Thanks again for the idea board; B loves it too!


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