Friday, August 12, 2011

A Day In The Life

Yesterday I recorded my day to share in Camila's In Her Shoes series. In case you are curious about a "day in the life" of me, check it out HERE!

my terribly messy and unfinished office... one of these days I'll get around to finishing it! ;)


  1. How fun! I adore that series...going to go check it out!

  2. I'd never heard of this until now! Just checked it out and love it!
    Thanks for sharing your day with us :)
    -Carly @

  3. Oooo I do like the shelves in your office, though!  So functional.

  4. the post was great yesterday. and i was excited to see we had the same inclination to buy those shoes... wear mine all the time! ;)

  5. Wow, so I felt like I was reading my life story.  Okay, really more like my dream life ;)  Love your story of how you became an interior decorator - gives me hope!  Btw, Charlotte is adorable!

  6. Your office doesn't look so forlorn to me, but your comment reminds me of the saying "the cobbler's children has no shoes"

  7. I love "In Her Shoes!"  Will go now to learn more about your day....

  8. No gym and you get ice cream and are thin?  No fair! :-(

  9. Yah!  I am going over right now to read it! 

  10. I'm in love with the terrarium on top of your bookcases. I've been hunting for the perfect one for months. Let the search continue.

    - Kate

  11. You really want to sell me your campaign dresser for my boys' room, don't you?  ;-) 

  12. Great post on her blog! It's people like you that have inspired me to do what I want to do for my career and no longer "settle". I'm taking a big leap but I'm ready!

  13. I loved hearing what your day was like!!  Wish I could come be your sidekick :)


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