Monday, July 18, 2011

outfit to room

I don't usually do outfit to room posts... mainly because there are a lot of bloggers that do, and do it much better than I would. But how cute is Kendi's outfit here:

A funny story about Kendi and her awesome blog.... I was sitting on the couch with my laptop going through my blog roll, and my husband was sitting right next to me. He glanced over and saw I was looking at Kendi's blog and said "man you're obsessed with that girl!" I was like "huh? I'm just going through my blogs" and he said "you have pictures all over the house of her." hahahaha. Okay, he was kind of right.... I do have a couple pictures hanging in my closet and on my inspiration boards in my office. But it's only for outfit ideas that would work for my own wardrobe. Kendi- I swear I'm not a super scary stalker :)

Anyway, this outfit reminds me of Lee Jofa's new Lily Pulitzer collection.. so here we go.


This isn't a space I would normally design, but I thought it'd be fun to go outside my comfort zone on this summer Monday morning.


  1. That's a great outfit and a beautiful room.  I adore that coffee table...if only it wasn't $1650. ;-)

  2. And wouldn't you know -- I love the whole room! Please come design my house for me. Pretty please? 

    Also, if having photos saved or printed out means you are obsessed then consider the relationship mutual. I save photos from your site all.of.the.time. for my future house that will cost me my life savings. :)

  3. I love outfit to room posts!  I hear you, so many great bloggers do awesome ones so I don't even bother...maybe I'll do a food to room post?  I love the look of a great plate of spaghetti. :-)

  4. AmberinteriordesignJuly 18, 2011 at 12:46 PM


  5. totally fun! love the florals :)

    now scoot on over for an art giveaway!

  6. Aren't we all a little obsessed with Kendi (in a good non-stalker way, of course)?

  7. So cute! I love the coffee table and the Lily Pulitzer fabric is perfect :)

  8. haha i guess i'm obsessed with her too :)

  9. Adorable!  Fun to see something a little different from you.

  10. she's so cute


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