Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A new favorite artist

I came across these prints on Etsy (featured on the front page) and I adore them. They aren't just pretty pictures... this artist, Jennifer Steen Booher, finds what is essentially trash and arranges it into beautiful art. I mean it when I say it's quickly become a favorite.

Beach Combing Series No.16

Aluminum, Seaweed, Driftwood, Periwinkle

Blue and Green Sea Glass

I often get the question "how do you find such great stuff on Etsy? What do you search for?" Truth is - I don't really search at all. Almost everything I find is on the front page. I visit Etsy almost every day (sometimes a couple times a day) for e-decorating clients, so I see a lot :)


  1. Bryn, I love ETSY!  These prints are so clever.  I especially like the beach combing one...  


  2. I love these prints! Very whimsical. They would look great in a beach home :) 

  3. I discovered Jennifer's work last week and have been crazy over one of her photographs of blue and white china. So unique!

  4. This is so cool! I did something like this with little rocks I found on the beach near my house, but I love all the found objects and the larger scale.  Etsy is the best!

  5. GREAT FIND BRYN!!! Those are amazing to me! I think I'll now be visiting the front page of etsy every day.

  6. Amazing find on Etsy!! One of my favorite shops so far! Thanks for sharing. 
    Denise Briant
    Design Savvy of New Jersey

  7. Love all the beach glass.  Must have myself or use for a client ASAP!  Thanks for sharing!  abby

  8. What a fantastic find!!!  Thanks for sharing!  My favorite is the "Blue and White Beach China" which I included in my post today.

  9. Wow, this artwork is amazing! Now to find a place to put an image in my home!

  10. Wow, completely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Thank you so much for featuring my work, and for all your lovely comments. best wishes, Jennifer


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