Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Around The Shop

Isabella has launched a new website and I've become the resident blogger. I just put up a new post about what's going on around the shop.. I hope you stop by and check it out!

Here are some snapshots:

We just got in these awesome turkish towels. I bought the fuchsia one for my powder room :)

LOVE these mercury glass lamps!! I really want one for my entry he he

A glimpse into a design project we're currently working on:

You can check out the post and blog here!


  1. CharlottedesignslaveMay 24, 2011 at 3:55 PM

    I love that chartreuse print!  Who makes it and where can I find it?

  2. Oh my gosh, I love those mercury glass lamps too!  If only I had an extra $700 laying around, I'd buy the pair!  Love them. 

  3. Hey isnt that your bathroom in the 2nd picture? No?

    Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  4. the sister sophisticateMay 24, 2011 at 5:19 PM

    Love that bathroom mirror!

  5. I LOVE those hand towels ~ I'm headed to purchase one (or more!) now! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I was just in Charlotte this weekend and meant to come. Definitely need to head to the store when I'm back in June. 

  7. Yup! I purchased one of the towels for my bathroom.. you must have missed it above.

  8. Thanks! You can order it from Isabella.. email me! Brynalexandra@gmail.com

  9. Oh yes please do! We'd love to meet you! 

  10. I'm completely obsessed with Turkish towels lately. 

  11. Bryn- Your powder is so cute! The wallpaper and mirror make the room!


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