Thursday, November 11, 2010

The November Giveaway - WINNER!!

THANK YOU all for entering the November Giveaway! I was so blown away by the response. And now what you've all been waiting for....

Congrats Casey! I was excited to see a second entry win, thanks for tweeting. Please email me with your address so I can ship out your package ASAP.

You're going to love the December giveaway!! It will be up December 1st.


  1. That fabric in the giveaway was so nice...Congrats to the winner!

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  2. I cannot believe it! So excited! This totally is the most beautiful giveaway ever and I can't wait to get the package. Email on its way. Thanks again, Bryn!


THANK YOU for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate each and every comment.