Tuesday, February 2, 2010

No, I'm not pregnant

I think I may develop the reputation as the blogger who loves baby stuff but is not pregnant nor will she be for a while. Does that make me a bit crazy? Or just a really serious planner. Or Both.

But I do know that there are people out there who ARE pregnant, and those people may just be reading this blog. Well I do know one for sure, hi Ihda!! I miss you guys!

So anyway I had to share this. I just found via Blueprint Bliss that Top Shop has a maternity line. I had to post it because GONE are the days of frumpy pregnancy clothes! I must remember this when my day comes.

And for those of you who are currently in the baby stage of life, these are all under $100 so if you plan on having a couple kids, it's a good "investment".

(and a side note - no we aren't trying either... career first, then house, then baby).


  1. love love love their maternity clothes!!! I may just have to get some in a few weeks when i outgrow the clothes I have right now! :)

  2. Love them! My fave is the dress with the white and black stripes. I want that for my maternity photo shoot!

  3. Wow these are so pretty! I can't wait to be preggo (albeit a long time from now), LOL.

  4. I wish I had known this before I had my baby. I hated getting dressed when I was pregnant. I never felt cute.

  5. Aren't they great? It makes shopping for maternity clothes much more fun! xx- Brooke

  6. Thank you so much for posting this! It is so difficult to find attractive maternity clothing. Please anytime a baby/pregnancy related find comes up, post it :) I need all the help I can get. Thanks again!

  7. Daily reader that has 23 days and counting...love the blog and love that you're UBER prepared for the inevitable. Word of advice: enjoy hubby while you can. Kids are great, but you miss one on one time.

  8. cute! I am T-70 days, and so HUGE I've started wearing my husband's clothes. Even maternity stuff is getting too tight, which I never thought was possible. Anyway - thanks for posting! You never know what kind of curveballs life will throw at you, little planner ;)

  9. I'm totally with you on looking at baby stuff although my day to grow a human being is still a few years off...always good to plan ahead!

  10. Yeah I'm not trying either - marriage first, then career, then house, and *then* baby. LOL! :)

  11. you just made my day with this post! i'm currently in the "beer gut" phase of pregnancy, but i'm trying to plan ahead. can't wait to check this out!

  12. you just made my day with this post! i'm currently in the "beer gut" phase of pregnancy, but i'm trying to plan ahead. can't wait to check this out!

  13. Thank you so much for posting this! It is so difficult to find attractive maternity clothing. Please anytime a baby/pregnancy related find comes up, post it :) I need all the help I can get. Thanks again!


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