Monday, February 1, 2010

More Gold Leafing, Blue Spray Paint & A Work In Progress

No, these are not bullets:

They are gold leafed bamboo knobs! Yup, I'm still going crazy for gold leaf. Want to see the dressers they are going on?

That gorgeous finish was done with many cans of spray paint and two very sore fingers.

Here is the before... my clients were going to toss these, and I am sure they were still a bit hesitant when I said I had big plans for them.

The supplies - spray primer and glossy navy spray paint. I went through about 3 cans of the primer and many cans of the blue.

The bedroom these dressers are going in is a work in progress, but I thought I'd show you the "during" shots anyway:

I love how the gold leaf just POPS off that navy blue!

(obviously the headboard and frames are not mounted yet)

I cannot wait to finish this room. This home is a project I started at the beginning of January. Was I crazy taking on another client when moving just four weeks later? Perhaps, but things are turning out really great. I'm also planning a trip back to California around the end of April/Early May, so I'll be able to finish up things here.

The headboard I made out of another used Craigslist headboard, some foam and some $3/yard menswear fabric from eBay. I love the subtle houndstooth in white and brown:

The small pattern really works nicely with the large patterned Dwell Studio sheets I found at Target (also seen in the image above):

You probably recognize the Nate Berkus for HSN throw pillows... they were only $8!!

Let me tell you, when everything is said and done I think this bedroom re-do will come in way under $1,000 (dare I say $500?). It just goes to show you don't need a lot of money to transform a room into something pretty :)

On a side note, I want to appologize for my crappy iPhone pictures... I have plans to buy an SLR soon!

My client projects have all been wrapped up as much as they can before I leave, so the next four days will be all about packing! Booo. I'd much rather be decorating!


  1. Bryn, those look great! Nice save :) I've always liked those Nate pillows but never found a place for them. I should've tried harder when they put them on clearance.

  2. Love LOVE love LOVE this - EVERYTHING about it! I love the rich navy blue on the dressers. Great job!
    - Danielle

  3. As soon as I saw those gorgeous gold pulls, I was truly hoping they'd be going on something navy blue. Thank you for fulfilling that wish so beautifully. It's looking great!

  4. I'm glad that you were able to get those nightstands! They turned out great! I'm loving the color scheme too...

  5. I LOVE how the project turned out. I'm thinking of silver leafing an inexpensive vanity I bought for our bathroom reno. Any words of caution I should heed?

  6. I just found some wicker drawers this weekend! Love what you've done!

  7. They look so great! What a transformation!

  8. I love this room! Great job...the navy is so different!

  9. Those dressers are just divine and the handles make them!! Love!

  10. I am amazed by your sense of style and ability to do it on a budget. You have big things in store in this career path! You go girl!

  11. Good save! Would have been a shame to lose those. Love those lamps (lamp?) too.

  12. I know I'm a designer and all, but you MUST come and do my own home one day, lol. I love what you do Bryn!

  13. It looks great!! Love your color mixes - and you are right - the gold just *pops* off the navy blue. Soooo pretty!!! Of course, the last time I spray-painted, I didn't get feeling back in the tip of my spray finger for days - so I know that's there's a price for that beauty! :-)

  14. love them!!! they could take white just as well...just sayin.

  15. I have to say, I didn't think those gold handles were going to look good on that navy dresser, but I was wrong - they are amazing.

  16. Absolutely gorgeous! Love it :)
    Were those knobs originally on the dressers, or did you find them separately?

  17. nice!
    love the gold leaf against the bamboo.
    you really are "decorating the hell" out of your apartment! yahoo!
    thanks for letting us peek in on your progress.

  18. Great job! Love the navy blue with the gold! I'm also loving the chair on the post below. Congrats on the move. Hope all is well!

  19. So lovely. I would have never expected them to look like that. Amazing.

  20. great job! i love your projects you post on here, it makes me feel like it's so easy..i might be able to do it too!

  21. Good save! Would have been a shame to lose those. Love those lamps (lamp?) too.


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