Thursday, February 25, 2010

As seen on..... Design*Sponge!

Today is a very exciting day for me, as it's been a dream of mine to have my work shown on Design*Sponge, one of my all time favorite blogs. Go check it out!

I, of course, will share more images of these rooms soon.

A big thanks to Design*Sponge for featuring me!!


  1. OMG! this is fantastic bryn! congrats! you are uber-talented and i'm so envious that you have found your "thing" and are doing it so well!

  2. These are totally fabulous, and I am in LOVE with the black floors!

  3. found your blog via design*sponge- AMAZING job on the room! where did you get those beautiful bedside lamps?

  4. Bryn, that is great, congratulations!

  5. Congratulations! The spaces are so beautiful!

  6. Wow!!! Congratulations, Bryn!!! What a great day indeed, this is so cool! That bedroom is fantastic. That wallpaper makes that ceiling look sky high. And I love the gold lamps with the black shades. Were the floors already black or did you paint them? So happy for you!

  7. Just saw this on Design Sponge and had to check you out. It is so great and your blog is great, look forward to keeping up with you and the blog.
    Along with loving almost everything about the room. I have to ask where are those night stands from? I have such a hard time with nightstands but those are beautiful.

  8. bryn, great job, I have loved that wallpaper for a long time and it looks so great in this space. congrats on the feature!

  9. Congrats! Can't wait to see more pictures!

  10. bryn, congratulations! i can't imagine how thrilled you must be. :)

    i've been following your blog for a bit now and it is really exciting to see all the rooms and applause come together for you.

    best of luck on this exciting new venture!

  11. Wonderful! Kudos to you. The new planner arrived in the nick of time!

  12. Congratulations on being featured on such a great blog. I am really enjoying your work, it's much different than what I normally like but I am branching out a lot more lately. Looks great!

  13. These rooms are gorgeous (and a pretty dramatic change from what they were before)!! I'm sure DS didnt need to deliberate much before deciding to publish them on their website ;-)

  14. Congratulations! That is so exciting!

  15. I know I don't know you but I am so proud of you! I've been reading your blog for a few years and feel like your an old friend! You are such an amazing designer and totally deserve to be featured again and again on design sponge!

  16. this is awesome, bryn! we are all so proud of you!

  17. Congrats. And what a very glam space you have. Magazine-worthy.

  18. Hi there! Love the room, excellent work. Do you happen to have a source list? I would like to know where you got the gray tufted side chair. Thanks!

  19. I cannot compliment you enough Bryn! I need to hire you before you raise your prices, LOL. Mazel tov!! Design Sponge is incredible!!

  20. Bryn! This is amazing! A beautiful room, and some well-deserved praise and recognition!

  21. You have been holding out on us! When did all of this loveliness happen? Regardless, congratulations on the publicity and my compliments on the pretty rooms. What lucky clients you have.


  22. Bryn - Your blog has quickly become one of my favorites! You are so talented, and I love your style and creativity, most especially appreciating your design-on-a-budget mentality. I've been reading for awhile now and feel like a proud friend seeing your work on design sponge - congratulations! I am very excited to see more pictures of these spaces, and I'm left inspired to press forward in finishing my own space!

  23. Posted about you on my blog too! Just so ya know! ;)

  24. This room is absolutely amazing! It looks like something straight from a magazine. Job well done!

  25. A very very striking room! Love the black & white color palette, a huge congrats on being featured on Design*Sponge!

  26. Kudos to you!!! It is a fabulous design, congrats! Janell

  27. This is great!! very excited for you :) Your work is just amazing!

  28. These rooms look amazing! Look forward to seeing more - you are definitely following the right career path! Congrats on being featured on D*S

  29. Congratulations!! Can I just say how much I LOVE that bedroom!! Amazing job! I'm sure your clients were ecstatic about the design!!

  30. Congratulations! You must be over the moon.

  31. holy crappoli! i love love love the rooms. the birch wallpaper + black floors, get out of here!

  32. Absolutely gorge! Not that we didn't know it before but you've really found your calling.

  33. I love your eye for design. You are incredibly talented and I love seeing your work!

  34. WOW, double WOW. So impressive. Do you do internet consults?

  35. Congrats, Bryn! You really did an amazing job! :)

  36. Yaaaaaaaaaaay! Absolutely STUNNING bedroom! I'm so happy for you. Let the business roll in (and get that planner booked full of design gigs).

  37. no wonder they featured your work, it's truly amazing!! be proud! :) you totally deserve it (and much more!)

  38. You're my hero, Bryn. You really are inspiring. You wanted something, took a chance and followed your heart. And your work is beautiful.

  39. Congrats, Bryn! I am so very excited for you. I loved the striped chair on its own, but it's even more fab in the room. I think you just made me like gold! I echo one of the earlier comments that I feel like a very proud friend, seeing you on d*s - even though I'm just a random blog reader who has never met you. Kudos, and here's to more success to come!!

  40. I really like # 2 its so pretty! love it....and your gold leafing chair turned out NICE! Way to go

  41. Congratulations! You must be so excited about this. I think I've said this at some point before, but you should really be proud of how much you've accomplished in a short time.

  42. Beautiful job, Bryn! Congrats on the blog love!

  43. Yay!!! Congratulations! It looks amazing - so chic and definitely so you from what I've seen on your blog. You really are making quite the name for yourself. I hope everything just keeps getting better!

  44. It's absolutely gorgeous and is really a striking before and after. It's hard to believe it's the same room. CONGRATS!

  45. WOW, even though I saw and loved these pictures a week ago, they are even more impressive on such a well loved blog!! I am SO proud of you. I remember it wasn't even a year ago when you had your 1/4 century crisis/vision of what you really wanted, and you HAVE it now!! woo hoo!

  46. Lovely lovely lovely. Congrats on being featured both rooms look amazing. What wallpaper is the tree paper?

  47. The bedroom looks great! I would love to know where you got the silver pillow that is sitting on the stripped chair. Thanks!

  48. You did a great job! Congrats on the exposure on Design Sponge. You deserve it!

  49. Where did you purchase those two golden lamps with the black shades?? They are so beautiful!

  50. Congrats Bryn!! Love the space you've designed!

  51. Bryn,

    Very excited to see you on D*S! My favorite part of the bedroom is that tiny little circular frame echoing the gold accent.

  52. this is awesome, bryn! we are all so proud of you!

  53. Congratulations! That is so exciting!

  54. bryn, congratulations! i can't imagine how thrilled you must be. :)

    i've been following your blog for a bit now and it is really exciting to see all the rooms and applause come together for you.

    best of luck on this exciting new venture!

  55. Just saw this on Design Sponge and had to check you out. It is so great and your blog is great, look forward to keeping up with you and the blog.
    Along with loving almost everything about the room. I have to ask where are those night stands from? I have such a hard time with nightstands but those are beautiful.

  56. Bryn, that is great, congratulations!

  57. found your blog via design*sponge- AMAZING job on the room! where did you get those beautiful bedside lamps?


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