Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Family & Looking Back

This post is random, but my mom just posted this picture of her as a little girl on her facebook, isn't it so cute?

I love it, I just had to share with the world (sorry mom!). And while I'm at it... here is a picture of me and my brother:

I always wonder what my kids will look like, especially since I look identical to my mom! Hopefully they will get straight hair like Matt (and my brother, ugh!) and not my fro. ;) On second thought, I just hope they are healthy and happy.. fro and all. :)


  1. Aww!

    Trust me, if they get straight hair (and they're girls), they will wish for nothing but curls. I'd trade with you in an instant!

  2. Are you trying to tell us something?? I mean I know I have read that you are not planning on having kids for a few years...but this looks like a hint :)

  3. haha Linds! Although I do always have BOTB, we need to buy a house first :) Def not preg!

  4. Look at the blonde hair! How old were you before the brown hair started coming through? I had straight blonde hair until about 14 and then it changed to light brown and curly... :(

  5. I like your fro! my hair is straight as a stick and I've wished for curls my whole life! grass is always greener ...

  6. Thanks, Bryn, for posting the picture ;) And don't worry, your kids will be healthy, smart, and gorgeous!!

  7. Wow, your hair was so light! When did it start getting darker?

  8. That's the Bryn and Brett I remember! How dang cute!

  9. The grass is always greener on the other side. I have straight fine hair and was always envious of the gals with the curls!
    Sweet photo of your Mom.

  10. OK, just checking- bloggers have been known to drop bombs with deceptive posts like that one haha.

    PS- you are twins to your mom, thats fun since she is beautiful! She is a good person to look like :)

  11. Oh my goodness Bryn! You were so blonde! So adorable, ever think of going blonde again?

  12. Love it! I used to have fro just like you!

  13. When you have a baby and their hair starts off straight, don't get excited just yet. My husband had super blonde, straight hair until he was about seven then it started to get dark and curly. Now if his hair gets too long he starts looking like one of the Brady Bunch boys!

  14. Is this like the "all-american child pose" because for some reason me and my siblings have at least one of these in our backyard, too funny!!

  15. Would you love them any less if your future offspring had fros?

  16. Is this like the "all-american child pose" because for some reason me and my siblings have at least one of these in our backyard, too funny!!

  17. OK, just checking- bloggers have been known to drop bombs with deceptive posts like that one haha.

    PS- you are twins to your mom, thats fun since she is beautiful! She is a good person to look like :)

  18. Thanks, Bryn, for posting the picture ;) And don't worry, your kids will be healthy, smart, and gorgeous!!

  19. haha Linds! Although I do always have BOTB, we need to buy a house first :) Def not preg!


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