Thursday, December 10, 2009

This week's theme: Black

This week transformed into an un-official theme... BLACK ROOMS! Because this morning I almost squealed when I saw this black office on Design*Sponge.

I headed over to the blog to check out more pictures. Absolutely perfection!

I will tell you right now, our black bedroom will not be nearly as great due to the depressing fact that we are renters. (that floor! that ceiling!)


  1. I love how in design you don't have to worry about pesky things like a power cord for your iMac.

  2. I'm so glad you posted this because I missed it. How wonderful! I especially love the wood floor in the office, great effect!

  3. LOVE it. Renovating our second home and I have to say, I'm not sure you could pull this off without interesting architecture or mouldings (like in these pictures), or tons of natural light. Lots of interesting design ideas fall flat in our current space. It's a big, fat bummer, let me tell you! xoxo

  4. that is really beautiful. Now I am trying to see if one of our rooms can be black :)

    FYI - my husband does those types of ceilings and moulding. Just a little plug for him as you build your business and may need to know some really talented finish carpenters :)

  5. Love it!!

    Do you have a lot of molding in your bedroom to break up the black?

  6. thanks so much for featuring my study! i love your sense of style, and your blog is a wonderful reflection of it. if you are planning on painting your walls black, totally go for it! your landlord will probably have a heart attack, but you can paint it boring beige before you move out...
    and i just HAD to leave a comment for "blueberry"...yeah, that picture was totally staged! no power cord for the computer! ha ha! the desk was usually up against the wall, but i pulled it out into the middle of the room for a few shots. i totally thought more people would notice.
    anyway, i really enjoy your blog, so keep those pretties coming!

  7. I am REALLY feeling the dark/black wall love - I badly want to do this to some walls of our house. We're also renting though, so I'll be watching your developments with a very keen eye. Meanwhile, keep up the dark walls inspiration pics!

  8. I love the idea of black walls. I'm totally doing it in our next place.

  9. Oh my goodness, how inspiring for the makeover I want to do on my husband's office. You find the greatest images...thanks!


  10. I love the idea of black walls. I'm totally doing it in our next place.


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