Wednesday, December 9, 2009

pretty pretty pictures

I have a HUGE firefox folder on my computer at home with designers that I admire. If I find a designer during the day, I email the link to myself so I can add it to the list.

My last email contains Nickey Kehoe; definitely one of my top favorites.

**Update: Originally I was going to write something about this image but then decided against it. But I have to agree with my commenters thus far.... SO weird to have the couch next to the toilet like this. It's such a shame because everything is just so right about this image... the wallpaper, the shade, the couch, the throw. And then the toilet placement is just so bizarre. **


  1. Great spaces!

    The first thing I said was... a sofa in the bathroom?!?

    But, having a toddler means never going to the bathroom alone, at least in there, she'd have a place to sit! HA!

  2. Oh, wow ... I can see why Nickey is one of your favorites. I love the bathroom with the striped wallpaper, but I'm not sure about the toilet's proximity to the couch :)

  3. I agree. Toilet and couch that close is pretty gross. Otherwise gorgeous rooms!

  4. i don't have a twitter but the answer to your question on about the small print floral's called calico!

  5. couch in the potty room!! ha I am laughing over this one.

  6. Pretty images! I guess that bathroom would be a nice place to be if you weren't feeling well?

  7. Each room is so perfect - except the bathroom! I would never think the couch was truly clean.

  8. Those rooms are so pretty. Loving the light fixture over the table especially.


  9. Yeah, a couch in the bathroom seems strange...however, when you're a Mommy to a little one you may have company as HG mentioned. Also, when my little guy goes, he wants me to sit and read books to him...I know, I know, typical guy, lol...but that sofa would sure come in handy! ;-)

  10. I agree is way off, and also unsanitary. A chair placed away from the bowl would be less strange, and a lot more classy.
    By the way, I just discovered your blog and so far I am loving it! :)

    Clara, Portugal

  11. I agree is way off, and also unsanitary. A chair placed away from the bowl would be less strange, and a lot more classy.
    By the way, I just discovered your blog and so far I am loving it! :)

    Clara, Portugal

  12. Each room is so perfect - except the bathroom! I would never think the couch was truly clean.


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