Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

It's 9:36 Pacific time, and Christmas is coming to a close. In fact, here at my in-laws house everyone is in bed! I'm up thanks to a lot of Diet Coke and a long nap this afternoon. My Christmas has been wonderful; it's my favorite time of the year! It didn't start off so well, I had a bad but very brief bout of food poisoning last night (Christmas Eve) that kept me up pretty late. Can I just say how much I hate vomiting? My mom was always very sick during her pregnancies... I can't imagine how miserable I'll be if/when that happens to me. Seriously people, I worry about it even now, a good 3-4 years before we are thinking of having a baby. But anyway! I woke up happy and feeling fine and thankful for everything and everyone in my life on this great day. And I'm thankful for YOU, those who support me and support this blog. I don't know the person I'd be without you all! Merry Christmas, again, or what's left of it ;)


  1. I hope you had a Merry Christmas with your family!! I love reading your blog, so thank YOU for that! BTW, you are so cute worrying about 'possibly' getting sick, 3-4 years from now. That is something I thought only I would worry about! :)

  2. Merry Christmas. :)

    About the pregnancy thing, you're like me. I worried about things way b4 I was ever But every pregnancy is different, so don't worry too much. ;)

  3. Merry Christmas, Bryn! I'm glad your sickness didn't hurt Christmas for you and you had a good time. If only this feeling could last all year, right?

  4. Ugh, hate that... glad you're feeling better. We traveled to Ky to see my parents last night (10 hours in the car w/ 3 kids and dinner at Wafffle House. Fun times!). I'll fill you in on the morning sickness thing later. Also lots of fun (but totally worth it).

  5. I never worried about morning sickness because my mom never had it and I'm pretty sure I got it worse than anyone in the world! I threw up every single day for 4 months and not a moment went by when I wasn't nauseous. It was miserable, but the outcome was the most amazing part and now I'm ready to do it all over again!

  6. Ugh, hate that... glad you're feeling better. We traveled to Ky to see my parents last night (10 hours in the car w/ 3 kids and dinner at Wafffle House. Fun times!). I'll fill you in on the morning sickness thing later. Also lots of fun (but totally worth it).


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