Thursday, December 17, 2009

ho, ho, ho.....?

Thank you, husband, for sending me this delightful little website called "Sketchy Santas". It has given me many LOL's and also frightened me a bit. I've always been a little freaked out by mall Santa's, haven't you?


  1. good lord! some of those santas were downright predatory. the santa at my mall is adorable and sweet. hilarious post!!

  2. Aren't this great?! We spent time looking at them at work. We were a little shocked by one where the Santa had his hand on the little boy's crotch!

    The clown Santa in these is so creepy. Definitely the stuff nightmares are made of.

  3. Oh my gosh, so funny! Now I know why I was always scared of mall Santas as a child!

  4. that's really funny..Santas are a little scary.

  5. OH MY FREAKING LADY GOD! I just laughed so hard my husband came to check on me. Yes, I agree, mall santas are scary, and I hate when I get photos from family of their kids on some creepy santa's lap, it isn't right I tell you, it isn't right.

  6. EEK! Why are some of them wearing masks? To disguise their convicted child rapist faces?

    I love the kids who are doing that stiff bodied freak out thing.


  7. Okay, #1 needs to be investigated...but the rest made me laugh so hard. They have such sly creepy facial expressions. Are they for real, or trying out for some horror film? Gotta love the one with the facial tatoo, wonder what Mrs. Claus will say? ;)

  8. Oh my gosh, so funny! Now I know why I was always scared of mall Santas as a child!


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