Tuesday, November 17, 2009

confession time

I've seen this on a couple blogs this morning, so I have to weigh in.

Confession #1: I very much dislike Kelly Wearstler's aesthetic. (I tried very hard not to use the word "hate" in this sentence).

Confession #2: I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. And when I see a Wearstler room, it feels like a panic attack to me.


  1. you wrote that much more eloquently than I could, but I completely agree

  2. yes, well put, I'm totally with you!

  3. I totally agree. Her rooms make my eyes feel like I've been staring at the sun for too long.

  4. I think there's some "Emperor's New Clothes" syndrome at work when it comes to KW. I love some of her fabrics and wallpapers, but I don't understand why people fawn over her rooms. For high impact, bold rooms, I much prefer some of Mary McDonald's work.

  5. Oh, my gosh YES! I have no idea how she got to be a judge on whatever show she's on, but it's the reason I can't watch it. She makes my stomach turn.
    Glad you weighed in on that!

  6. LOL! I love how you compared her rooms to a panic attack, too funny!

    There are some spaces of hers that I love and then there are others that sort of leave me scratching my head. But I think the reason why she's been such a hit is because the woman is absolutely fearless. I mean, who else would do a black kitchen? (http://tinyurl.com/ydoc5un)
    It's not for everybody, but I thought it was pretty darn cool. Since I'm a person that over thinks everything when it comes to decorating my home, I love seeing what she comes up with because she is really not afraid to give something a try. I think that's why so many people find her inspiring, just for the fact that she goes for it.

  7. AGREE! I really don't know what the big fuss is about her anyways, I have never seen her work as groundbreaking. Reminds me of the bad 80s design that people are trying to forget...think the "contemporary/artsy/weird" house in Beetlejuice.....did she work on that? hehe

  8. I hear ya! I do think that there is a place (however small) for her type of design- it's different and inventive sometimes, but I don't get why so many people look up to her.

  9. Ha!!! First, I love your blog and I've been a reader for a while. I love this post because I JUST had this same conversation with a friend.

    I totally agree with you. I haven't seen any work of hers that I like. I guess she just has a total different point of view. :)

  10. ME TOO. don't get what all the fuss is about.

  11. Okay this merited a comment. For awhile, I thought that I hadn't arrived in appreciating "high" design, but now I have no problem saying they're just plain weird. If that's what a lot of money gets you, No thanks.

  12. Ah! I think I am the first to disagree... I love and adore anything KWID. I get that sometimes her stuff is a little 80's tackity tack, but I guess I really like 80's tackiity tack :) Every once in a while I do like a good, clean, WHITE space, but just to look at. I'd rather live in a KW-esque space and visit some place clean and modern.

  13. I couldn't actually live in one of her rooms, but I do think they're pretty fun. There's definitely a lot to look at! ;-)

  14. lol! i do agree with you. this is the first room i've ever seen of her. it's way too busy! i like rooms more cool, calm, and collected!

  15. Amen sister, I too have had many a panic attack and maybe that's why I start itching every time I see a Wearstler room

  16. Oh you can say all that again! I guess the room would be a good place to have said panic attack if nothing else ; )

  17. TOTALLY AGREE! Her rooms make my head spin. Yuck.

  18. I agree. When she was a judge on the design show on Bravo it also left me scratching my head and wondering what the deal was with her fashion sense. I'm all for risks, but she was on another planet, and not in a good way.

  19. I'm so with you on this. Maybe I just don't "get" it, but really, I don't get it!! I understand that she is talented, but I'm with you, her aesthetic doesn't do a thing for me. Much prefer the pretty blue Martha room under this post.

    Glad I'm not the only one!

  20. I like that you say it like it is :) Totally agree; most of the time she is out there (or at least for those of us who deal with "real-life" clients). I did like the pic of her office that I saw, however.

  21. Funny! I thought that the comments would be more in her defense. Very interesting.

    jbhat, who doesn't really get it either.

  22. Yeah, I don't get KW either--although I do LOVE her accent. I'm from the south and don't really have a strong accent but I know that after 5 minutes talking with Kelly, it'd come out strong!

  23. i am torn. some of it i like some of it looks like throw up.
    but ALL of it looks like kelly wearstler did it.

  24. I actually like it. It looks like a Salvador Dali inspired room to me.

  25. Couldn't agree more. And her personal style drives me nuts as well. Some of those stupid hats she wore on Top Design were ridic!

  26. Hi Bryn, I really like your blog and have been reading for a while but this is my first comment (I think!) I just have to agree with you - this is the first time I have seen that room by Ms. Wearstler and it literally made me nauseous :(
    Keep up the good work!


  27. Hi Bryn, I really like your blog and have been reading for a while but this is my first comment (I think!) I just have to agree with you - this is the first time I have seen that room by Ms. Wearstler and it literally made me nauseous :(
    Keep up the good work!


  28. Yeah, I don't get KW either--although I do LOVE her accent. I'm from the south and don't really have a strong accent but I know that after 5 minutes talking with Kelly, it'd come out strong!

  29. I couldn't actually live in one of her rooms, but I do think they're pretty fun. There's definitely a lot to look at! ;-)

  30. I totally agree. Her rooms make my eyes feel like I've been staring at the sun for too long.

  31. you wrote that much more eloquently than I could, but I completely agree


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