Thursday, October 22, 2009

This post is VERY random.

Okay, those of you who are my age... did you ever read The Boxcar Children? For some strange reason I just thought of this book today.

I loooooooved this book series as a kid. Probably one of my all time favorites.

I remember, even as a kid, my favorite parts were how the children managed to make their boxcar into a little home, cooking and cleaning and decorating. How little has changed!

I was so obsessed that my mom got me the Boxcar Children COOKBOOK. And oh how I loved it. After a handy google search, I found the book:

Mom - is this book still around the house? If not, I'm adding it to my Christmas list. :)

I also think I may re-read the first Boxcar children book someday, just because.


  1. I LOVED the Boxcar Children! I had no idea they had a cookbook.... going on my Christmas list too!

  2. Yes! I totally read those book when I was younger, they were great!

  3. I also LOVED Boxcar Children. Some of my favorite books when I was growing up.

  4. Yes! Their 'house' was my favorite part too. I remember how they would create table settings with flowers in jars and chipped tea cups.

  5. Heck yeah! These were hands down the best childrens books ever.

  6. I remember reading this series! My younger sister was a little more into them that I was and they were probably a little below my reading level but I loved this series anyway! I always liked the idea of kids setting off on their own and being independent. I liked Hatchet and My Side of the Mountain around the same time.

    I had the cookbook too (it's still at my parent's house) and we use the recipe for snow ice cream whenever we get enough snow! Yum!

  7. Ahh I forgot about The Boxcar Children!! One of the best series ever - definitely a favorite when I was a kid! I'm going to have to find them on ebay or something so I can make sure my kids can read them, too!

    Did you eve read Betsy Tacy??

  8. I LOVED the original one, and read a few of the others. I also loved how they turned the boxcar into their home, and cooked and all that.

  9. heck yes! I LOVED them! my sister and I used to play that we were them all the time. That or we were orphans with babies of our own. We were weird kids.

  10. I had that cookbook too, and I LOVED it! At my church, each "new reader" could have a library book dedicated in their name, complete with a bookplate, if they participated in the summer reading program. The book that bears my name? The Boxcar Children, of course!

  11. I never really got into those, but I was OBSESSED with The Babysitter's Club and Sweet Valley!

  12. Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for posting this - I completely forgot about the boxcar children! My third grade teacher always raved about the books and we read some of them. I remember she retired that year so we all got to take some books. She told us we could take any book but the Boxcar Children Cookbook. I few years ago I was going through my stuff and guess what I found? I must've taken the cookbook without realizing it or forgot to give it back! I will have to look for it!

  13. I had no idea there was a cookbook! My sisters and I loved those books. My mom still has them and we occasionally will read them!

  14. I too loved the Boxcar Children. :) And the way they did the house setup was always my favorite! Did you know there's a series about a family who lives in a trolley car?? It's a similar concept, but a whole family. And I loved how they set up house too!
    I'm now off to google the trolley car family and find out what the name of that series was!

  15. Oh those were one of my favorite books when I was growing up. I had NO idea there was a cookbook! Off to search and find out all about it! :)

  16. I remember when my teacher read us the first Boxcar Children book when I was in second grade. She stopped with the first one and I was so disappointed so I made my parents take me to the library to I could read more!! I did not know they made a cookbook though that's awesome.

  17. Oh my gosh! I totally forgot about these books. Seeing that picture flooded my memory with the awesomeness!
    I had no idea there was a cookbook!

  18. Oh I loved the Boxcar Children. Surprise Island was one of my favorites! I think I could sit down and read the whole series again.

  19. Those were my favorite books when I was like 7. I also loved that they turned their boxcar into a home and I used to pretend I was one of them when I would go to a park by my house and play inside the fake train on the playground!

  20. I LOVED those books as a kid. Read the whole series. Also had the cookbook. I wonder if they're still at my parents... Thanks for reminding me of them!

  21. LOVED those books! I used to stay up late reading those books with a flashlight so my parents wouldn't know.

  22. oh, WOW! I totally forgot this even existed. I totally loved it too!!!!

  23. I LOVED those books! I wanted to get a box car as a play house when I was a kid.

  24. Absolutely, I loved those books! Boxcar Children and Judy Blume books were my fav!! Thanks for bringing back the memory.

  25. I LOVED the boxcar children!!!!!! Read every one of them i could get my hands on :)

  26. I loooooved these books! So funny you brought them up as I was just thinking of them earlier this week.

  27. Loved these books! Good reminder as a Christmas gift for my niece.

  28. Me too, remember those books clear as day! I thought those kids were so resourceful with their boxcar house, I remember hanging onto every word.

  29. I'm apparently not the only child of the 80s reading this blog! LOVED the Boxcar Children, along with My Side of the Mountain and Sweet Valley High, as others mentioned. And I'm pretty sure my parents still have my collection of EVERY book in the The Babysitter's Club series in their attic.

  30. Loved them! I tried to convince my parents that I could live out in the fort we had in our backyard just so I could be like the boxcar children. I never knew there was a cookbook, I'll definitely have to check that out.

    Fun post!

  31. I think about those books all the time! I kinda hope that kids today don't read them. I lived in a wonderful home with two wonderful parents, but I always wanted to run away and be like the boxcar children! I always had my suitcase packed in case I just felt like running away!

  32. Why I thought it would be so great to live in a Boxcar without parents, I'll never know, but I LOVED those kids! Who knew there was a cookbook? Are the recipes any good?

  33. I totally forgot about those books until I saw this post. I used to love reading them! Thanks for the nostalgia!

  34. I LOVED those books!!

    My first grade teacher read the first 4 to us and then I just kept reading them. I loved them.

  35. I loved these, too! Well really, my favorite was the first one. The subsequent mysteries i could take or leave. I had no idea that there was a cookbook!

  36. Thanks for the memories!

    Revisiting childhood favorites is one of my favorite pasttimes.


  37. Too weird that you posted this, because I just found my collection of Boxcar Children books at my parent's house a few days ago. I started reading the first one again, and thought I must be a total weirdo to sit around reading children's books. Thanks for making me feel totally justified!

  38. Hi Bryn, I have been reading your blog for a couple months but this is my first comment! I LOVED the Boxcar Children growing up!! My mom is saving them for my kids (one day!)If I remember correctly they even had a cookbook!

  39. "I can't know" (aww...that's what Bryn used to say instead of "I don't know" when she was just cute!!!) Anyway, sorry, don't know if we still have this book - if we do, it's buried under a hundred other books...sorry...we'll have to get you a new one...Love, Mom

  40. I love the Boxcar Children series!! I devoured them as a child. And every year I read the first book to my class at work. The joys of teaching....sharing your favorites and watching others get excited about them!

  41. Oh my gosh I had the cookbook! My mom kept it.

  42. I LOVED those books too! I bought that cookbook at the book fair! I loved the book fair.

  43. Oh my gosh I had the cookbook! My mom kept it.

  44. Thanks for the memories!

    Revisiting childhood favorites is one of my favorite pasttimes.


  45. Why I thought it would be so great to live in a Boxcar without parents, I'll never know, but I LOVED those kids! Who knew there was a cookbook? Are the recipes any good?

  46. Loved them! I tried to convince my parents that I could live out in the fort we had in our backyard just so I could be like the boxcar children. I never knew there was a cookbook, I'll definitely have to check that out.

    Fun post!

  47. Me too, remember those books clear as day! I thought those kids were so resourceful with their boxcar house, I remember hanging onto every word.

  48. I must get these for my daughter!

  49. I LOVED those books! I wanted to get a box car as a play house when I was a kid.

  50. I LOVED those books as a kid. Read the whole series. Also had the cookbook. I wonder if they're still at my parents... Thanks for reminding me of them!

  51. Oh I loved the Boxcar Children. Surprise Island was one of my favorites! I think I could sit down and read the whole series again.

  52. I remember when my teacher read us the first Boxcar Children book when I was in second grade. She stopped with the first one and I was so disappointed so I made my parents take me to the library to I could read more!! I did not know they made a cookbook though that's awesome.

  53. I also LOVED Boxcar Children. Some of my favorite books when I was growing up.


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