Thursday, October 15, 2009

space of the day

Today's space of the day is a reflection of how I feel right now...

A lot going on.

Isn't the space kind of cool though? I found it via google images while searching "cluttered spaces". Apparently it's "an exhibit showing a small and incredibly cluttered room belonging to reclusive Chicago writer-artist Henry Darger".

I can't say I'm familiar with his work, but I love his dark walls, artwork and marble fireplace.

Okay, back to my insanely busy life!


  1. ...i like it very much form one side..very mysterious..but from another, im achin' to take some pinesol to it!! lol

  2. ...i like it very much form one side..very mysterious..but from another, im achin' to take some pinesol to it!! lol

  3. Love your 'space of the day' features.

    Makes me even more eager to move into a place of my own and go changing-rooms crazy!


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