Monday, October 26, 2009


My husband and I have this little thing that we do when we are shocked/upset/stressed.... it goes something like this:


This pretty much describes the next 9 days for me. My day job + side job + personal life all need my attention right now so unfortunately the blog is getting the back burner.

With that said, I will still try to post some pretty pictures for you to look at. Here is one in particular that I am loving right now:

{domino mag}


  1. That's hilarious! I actually do the same thing but when I'm excited about something!

    slfnsdnfgorgdf vlzdgjndfgd!!!!!

    Looks a little something like that!

  2. We do the same thing. may the force be with you this week as you get lots accomplished. Just do one thing at a time and cross off your list!

  3. Good luck figuring it out- life can be so busy/messy/fun.

  4. Even though life is hectic, at least you've found pretty pictures for us to look at. Hope everything works out!

  5. Good luck figuring it out- life can be so busy/messy/fun.

  6. That's hilarious! I actually do the same thing but when I'm excited about something!

    slfnsdnfgorgdf vlzdgjndfgd!!!!!

    Looks a little something like that!


THANK YOU for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate each and every comment.