Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Two years.

Today is our two year anniversary! I can't believe time has flown by, but in a way I feel like we have been together forever. That sounds bad, but I know and he knows it's a great thing :)

Marriage to me is natural yet challenging. It's very rewarding but takes compromise and unselfishness. What can I say - I keep it real on this blog!

There are so many reasons I love my husband. We are both simple people who love staying at home and just being together. We are very different but very much alike.

Matt and I have learned and grown so much this past year and we have a lot of exciting changes to come in the very near future. This is very cliche, but I love him more and am happier with every day that goes by. It's amazing how each day, month, year gets better and better.

And with that, I'll share some wedding pictures... I shamefully have not done my wedding album yet so it's a good opportunity to pull and re-post a few pictures. Looking at them reminds me how it truly was the best day of my life!!

I love you, Matt! You're my best friend in the whole world. And THANK YOU for supporting me and my crazy dream and when I get discouraged, you remind me that I can do it. I couldn't ask for a more supportive husband. I love you so much. I can't wait for dinner and red velvet cake tonight!

(Mom, Dad, Joan & Mike - I promise you will have wedding albums before the 3rd year of marriage. Thank you for not disowning me.)


  1. love reading your blog! just wanted to say, dont worry..i have yet to finish my wedding album and im going on 4 years Oct 21st! Oh and did i get my wedding dressed preserved/boxed yet...um no! Still hanging on the back of my closet door! Happy Anniversary!

  2. I think that it is getting harder for us married folks and I always love when couples who can share love, wedding album or not. If you have love, that really is all you need. Congrats and enjoy that red velvet cake.

  3. Happy anniversary! Beautiful photos! Our 1 year anniversary is next weekend and we just got our professional photos last week... have not even thought about making an album yet. So you're in good company! :) Congrats!

  4. You had a beautiful wedding by the looks of it! Congrats on your anniversary! We'll be celebrating our 1st in just 5 days!!

  5. I'm like Rebecca going on year 4 and have yet to do a wedding album! I also still have my wedding dress hanging on the closet day. I think I must go to Rebecca's blog, because we must be long lost sisters!

    Have a happy anniversary! You both looked amazing!!!! Thanks for sharing the pics!

  6. Congrats and enjoy your red velvet cake! That is what we had as well!

  7. Happy anniversary Bryn! My one year is this weekend and I am so boiled over with emotion! So much fun!


  8. I haven't done my album yet either (almost 2 years for us too!)-most of our pictures are still in their digital version...oops! Anyways, you look absolutely stunning in your wedding dress! Happy Anniversary!

  9. congratulations!
    we're going on five years--NO ALBUM YET. i'm terrible. our 5th anniversary is my goal. ha!

  10. Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated 2 years in May, and I am always surprised how it can seem like we've been married forever, and that it was just yesterday all at the same time!

  11. Happy Anniversary to our great kids!!
    Wow, so much has happened in 2 years and we know that you guys will continue to impress us and make us proud. Love you both! If I have a choice between grandkids and a wedding album, I'll take the kids!!!
    Just give me something!!! LOL

  12. Happy Anniversary!!

    What a beautiful wedding and gorgeous couple! Thank you for sharing your lives with us.

  13. Your wedding pictures are great! Your dress looks beautiful, I love all the details on it! It looked like a lovely day and Happy Anniversary : )

  14. Happy Anny! It gets even better after 5 years. =)

  15. awwwwww i'm tearing up!!! how gorgeous you are & you both look so happy!!!! congratulations on 2 years!!!! xoxooxox

  16. Happy Anniversary! I've been married since April of last year and haven't done an album yet either! I love looking at my wedding pics...hmmm, might have to do that today :-)

  17. Congrats, Brynnie and Matt!!

    Wow - what loving words you write. You guys are made for each other. I'm so very very proud of you both. You guys are responsible and mature WAY beyond your years.

  18. You wore one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen!

  19. I love seeing other happy married couples! Congrats on the first 2 of many years. It only gets better!! We just hit our 5 and I still can't believe it!
    Enjoy each other and enjoy that Red Velvet!

    And p.s. I looked at my wedding pics and keepsakes WAY more before I had them in an album and all put up...now it's about once/year. So don't even worry.

  20. You are so gorgeous, and clearly such a happy couple. I wish you two all the best!

  21. happy anniversary!

    don't worry, our 2nd anniversary was at the end of June, and we got our album the next week. my mom's goal was to get mine before my sister's wedding, and we made the deadline with just a few days to spare!

  22. I just came upon your blog and had to leave a message. Turns out we share a first name (spelling and all) and the same middle initial. I thought that was too cool and had to leave a comment.

    Congratulations on your marriage. Your pictures are beautiful!

  23. Congrats!!! Fun celebration plans?! Don't worry - it took us 3 years to do our album. :)

  24. Ahhhh! GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS dress, Bryn! And congratulations!

  25. Happy Anniversary! :) I don't have our album started either, it's okay...and poor Noah's album is still on the day he came home from the hospital :)

  26. Happy Anniversary to you!!! We got married the Saturday before you did back in 2007...and I have yet to order my family wedding albums. I made the same promise...I am shooting for Christmas. I am glad I am not the only album slacker in town!

  27. Congrats on your wedding, lovely photos.


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