Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A September Reflection

Can you believe it's September already? Summer has, for the most part, come and gone. September is one of my favorite months of the year: College Football, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Tights, cooler weather, our wedding anniversary. It's sort of like a transition month, and I'm a big fan of change.

Speaking of change, I think September is a perfect month to reflect on how you're doing this year. Have you accomplished everything you set out to accomplish in January? If not, it's okay! You still have 4 more months.

I have to say I've surprised myself... usually I'm not the best with resolutions. But this year I have accomplished almost all of my goals!

Goals Accomplished Thus Far:

- As of last week, my husband and I are officially debt free (okay.. doesn't include car payments but hey I'm still proud). When we moved out to Southern California from Oklahoma right after college, we didn't realize or plan on how expensive it would be on our small incomes, and as a result we used our credit cards too much. But we lived and learned, became regular watchers of Suze Orman, changed our lifestyle completely and what a difference it's made! It feels so good.

[Charlotte sitting outside with me during a recent garage sale, showing off the cash we made! haha]

- In January, I noted that I wanted to lose a little bit of weight. I had a goal in mind - get and stay below 130, but not beat myself up about weight. Well thanks to Weight Watchers, I met that goal and have been under 130 for a couple months! And I still enjoy cake, fries, pizza, mexican food... it's all about moderation ;)

- My own little business: bryn alexandra interiors

As I mentioned before, we still have four full months left in this year, and I've mentally set some more little goals.

Goals for September-December 2009:

- Biggest goal: Get my portfolio together and launch bryn alexandra interiors website! Can't wait for this one.

- Simplify, declutter, get rid of tons of stuff. This even may include going down to one car.

- Build 8 month emergency fund and down payment for a house!

- STAY under 130 lbs, even during the Holidays ;)

So... how about you guys? How are you doing? Any new goals for the last quarter?


  1. Oooh your goals are good ones! I should adopt some of these!

  2. Great post! Congrats on all the progress you have made. Time just goes by so fast ever since I graduated from college. I don't know where it goes!

    I'd say my accomplishment so far this year was surviving 7 months out of the country while my husband and I volunteered in Europe! I started counting calories two weeks ago and I've lost a few pounds so far.
    My goals for the rest of this year are to get a job, and lose about 10 more pounds!

  3. Congrats on your big debt-free achievement! That is awesome! It certainly does feel good, doesn't it. :) I love your list - I actually just posted a 29th birthday goal list yesterday! I'm totally with you on decluttering, saving a better cushion (and future down payment), and getting healthy! Best of luck on the rest of your goals!

    Love this post, and I LOVE FALL! If I lived in SoCal I'd want to watch football while sipping a pumpkin spice latte and rocking some colored tights and a feather headband with you! :)

  4. Hey Bryn! Great post, I'm in looove with Payless and those boots, ahh they take me right home to my country roots too! :) I promise to have an after pic of our blue living room for you soon, I'm just waiting to hang curtains and such, I want you to be proud! :)

    Congrats to you on being debt-free, woohoo! That is a goal of ours, in fact the hubs and I just sat down last night to set up a firm budget. That's a major must before we add another curly-headed (girl this time?) little one to our family. I've got the baby itch going on ;) Now that we're getting settled into our beach cottage, that's our major goal is to pay down debt, and personally I am trying to lose some extra baby pounds before baby #2! Keep up the good work and have a great ret of the week! :)

  5. Congrats on being debt free! That is awesome.

    My goals are losing about 10 more pounds even though I weigh less than I did before I was pregnant, and decluttering this house!

  6. Wonderful! My fortune cookie last night was a reminder that "Dreams need a plan and goals to become reality!"

    I think you should teach others around you, have a little in home class, your assistant could collect the cash, and be the welcoming committee.

    I for one, thank-you for helping to re-vamp the look and layout of my blog!!!

  7. I know of this guy in Durham that would take either the caddy or camry....

    preferably the caddy

  8. great blog! I also read Suzie Orman a couple of years ago, learned to budget, tackled our debt using the Snowball method, and now are on our 3rd investment property. It works. Money rocks.


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