Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Oh My Mod(Cloth)!

I'm dying over all the new stuff at ModCloth.

I'll take one of each for fall, please:


  1. I want that floral dress too!! I love all of your picks!

  2. Love those shoes. I am excited about fall and boots and scarves, and all the other loveliness that is fall!

  3. I love that website! They have amazing pieces!

  4. Those boots are amazing!! *sigh* I need them.

  5. Did you enter our giveaway for the $50 gift certificate? That would help out with your wish list! :)

  6. I started buying from ModCloth a couple of years ago and am so happy they have really taken off and continue to expand their AMAZING selection. I've been trying to be good and not shop too much this fall...but good lord...I MUST have that grey blouse!!!

  7. Did you enter our giveaway for the $50 gift certificate? That would help out with your wish list! :)


THANK YOU for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate each and every comment.