Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Fall & S.O.T.D

Today is the first official day of fall*, and also 7 days away from our 2 year wedding anniversary :) I wish I could say we were doing something exciting like a trip to Paris or a romantic dinner on the beach, but we don't have plans. Truth be told, we're not big on celebrating things like birthdasy and holidays... maybe when we are older with a little more disposable income.

Speaking of the husband, he's in NYC for business and I am so very jealous, I wish I could have tagged along with him again this time. To fill the void, he sends me cute little iPhone pictures during the day. This one was my favorite so far:

I told him I wanted to put it on my blog, and he told me I don't have his consent. So I blocked out his face :)


On the subject of fall, here is a S.O.T.D. that features a pretty fall colored plant, or flower, or something botanical:

I love the big square of chalkboard paint. I can just imagine a holiday party in this space with a big hand-drawn Christmas tree on the wall. Can't you? Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself :)

*even though it's the beginning of fall, it's supposed to be in the 100s today and tomorrow. I wish the East Coast could send some rain our way!


  1. I love the console and your hubbs cracks me up!

  2. dropping a note to say i love your blog! enjoy the inspiring s.o.t.d posts and your vintage home finds. :) the flower in the photo is chinese lantern -- it is crepe papery and has the texture of bouganvilla.

  3. i wouldn't mind sending you some rain. It's rained for the past three or four days here in kentucky lol love the inspiration picture!

  4. may i know the source of the SOTD photo ? I would like to use it on my own inspiration blog.

  5. Oh, you need to celebrate your anniversary! How about a romantic dinner at home, something to mark the day.

  6. Does anybody know what type of flowers those are?

  7. hahah that pic is so funny!!! i love that chalboard pic!! (and yes i can totally picture the christmas tree!!!)

  8. Is that the faint outline of a chandelier on the black wall?

  9. dropping a note to say i love your blog! enjoy the inspiring s.o.t.d posts and your vintage home finds. :) the flower in the photo is chinese lantern -- it is crepe papery and has the texture of bouganvilla.


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