Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blogging Goals & S.O.T.D.

I've mentally noted that some of my favorite blogs have regular features... like i suwannee's bookcase of the day, and bliss's I heart Monday.

I've decided I'm going to try this out, time permitting. Since I'm always saving inspiration that I find all over the internets, I thought I'd start sharing more. So I bring you Space Of The Day*. Yes, I'm going to try to post one room everyday that I love, and if I have time, tell you what I love about it. So here it goes...


Oh, how I love this room, everything about it. But if I had to pick out specifics, they would be:

- Obviously, the hero of the room, the silk magenta duvet.
- Embroidered linen sheet
- Glossy black dresser + glossy black shutters
- Use of brown (coverlet) + black (dresser)... yes, they can co-exist.
- Gaudy gold frame

*Space Of The Day will come to you Mon-Fri :)


  1. Yay! I'm really excited for this new installment! You have started it off with a bang because that room is absolutely gorgeous! I love everything about it! I'm just wondering if maybe you would like to encourage other bloggers to do the same and have a link-up of some sort because I really like this idea and would love to try it or see others try it without copying your idea. Just a thought. :)

  2. WOW! Gorgeous room. I love, love that bed! Oh, to make mine like that...

  3. Is this your room? B/c if it is I am soooo jealous. That window... the cozy comfy bed... the fuschia duvet!!!

  4. love the new series... I love the use of brown and black together here. I am going to have to bookmark this for future reference!

  5. how exciting! :)
    looking forward to it!
    great room - love it! :)

  6. Looking forward to this!
    In this room? The silk duvet and those black plantation shutters. I really like how snappy the dark makes them! Mine just blend into the casing!

  7. Looking forward to this!
    In this room? The silk duvet and those black plantation shutters. I really like how snappy the dark makes them! Mine just blend into the casing!

  8. Is this your room? B/c if it is I am soooo jealous. That window... the cozy comfy bed... the fuschia duvet!!!

  9. WOW! Gorgeous room. I love, love that bed! Oh, to make mine like that...


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