Friday, June 12, 2009

just one of those weeks, er months....

I'm a terrible terrible blogger... it's just one of those weeks. Half of it was spent in NYC and the other half has been spent catching up. This weekend I promise to post pictures and a recap of the trip! And next week I hope to be back to regular scheduled blogging.

What have I been up to? This weekend you'll find me on the couch in my sweats working on 4 idea boards, a blog header, a blog design, and two website designs. And that doesn't even include the three interior design client projects I have picked up.

As you can see I've filled my personal time living what I love and I'm the happiest girl ever. Busy, but happy. And as always I'm up for taking on more! Email me if you need help with anything :)

So with that, I'll leave you with this beautiful picture:

It's so girly chic and eclectic, I wish I could have an office that looked like this. But the dirty old couch will have to do for now....

ps to my loyal readers- please don't leave me due to lack of good posts lately, I promise I'll have lots of juicy stuff for you in the near future!


  1. I'm a loyal reader, and I've been missing your posts! I added you to my favorite blogs side bar. Come check out my website.
    I can't wait to hear about your shopping trip with What I Wore.

  2. Leave? Puh-shaw! Never =]

    I'm thrilled business is booming for you, B!

  3. love that pinky swath of scrumptious curtain!
    looks gprgeous...and glad to hear you are busy -
    whistle while you work! :)

  4. You've been missed but this pic makes up for it a little bit. ;-). I love that dresser with those curtains!

  5. Love the picture...and don't worry, we all get busy sometimes. :)

  6. It's fantastic to hear that you are so busy doing things you enjoy. Good for you!


  7. love that pinky swath of scrumptious curtain!
    looks gprgeous...and glad to hear you are busy -
    whistle while you work! :)


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