Thursday, June 4, 2009

i heart this idea!

Anyone out there with curly hair knows that mirrors are a must - you never know if you are walking around with a curl sticking straight up or if the humidity took a toll on you that day.

I do, however, love the idea of this bathroom:

{found here. ps- I love that paint color!}

Of course, I think this curly haired gal would need a leaning full length mirror against the other wall, for my guests of course ;)


  1. I like it! I actually might not mind looking in the mirror if it told me I look marvelous! haha

  2. oh how fun! Although I'm a curly girl like you and need a mirror :)

  3. SUPER cute! I love little un-serious touches like that...(OK, that's not a word, but whatever.)

    I myself could be OK as long as there was another mirror in the bathroom...but I somehow get a bunch of water/toothpaste splatters on my current mirror - so I'd be afraid that would be messy. I guess I just brush/wash with gusto. Love that look though!

  4. This is super cute. And as a curly-haired girl, I TOTALLY know what you mean!! Glad to know I'm not the only one!

  5. What fun to change little greetings daily.
    I would write things like carpe diem, love you.
    call your mother....

  6. We just moved into a new office/house for work, and there aren't any mirrors in the bathrooms. Maybe I should try that? Am I the only person that things curly hair is easy? I just go to sleep with it wet, dampen it a bit in the am, add some product, and hit it with a diffuser for 2 minutes. No mirrors required!

  7. ha! what a fun idea! But yes, as a fellow curly-haired girl, this would never fly! I need a little more reassurance that the girl defining mousse it truly doing its job!


  8. Nothing better than a good self-esteem boost! Who doesn't love being told they look marvelous? ;) Great idea.

  9. As a curly haired girl, I love this! My frizz is out of control lately. I need new styling products. Let me know if you like yours.

  10. Nothing better than a good self-esteem boost! Who doesn't love being told they look marvelous? ;) Great idea.

  11. We just moved into a new office/house for work, and there aren't any mirrors in the bathrooms. Maybe I should try that? Am I the only person that things curly hair is easy? I just go to sleep with it wet, dampen it a bit in the am, add some product, and hit it with a diffuser for 2 minutes. No mirrors required!

  12. SUPER cute! I love little un-serious touches like that...(OK, that's not a word, but whatever.)

    I myself could be OK as long as there was another mirror in the bathroom...but I somehow get a bunch of water/toothpaste splatters on my current mirror - so I'd be afraid that would be messy. I guess I just brush/wash with gusto. Love that look though!


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