Wednesday, June 24, 2009

$400 less

I still am in love with this sofa from Z Gallerie and still plan to purchase it someday:

But I was pleasently surprised when I found this new item at Ikea:

Clean lines, similar fabric, seats more people and $400 less. Definitely a worthy runner up! With the extra $400, I could purchase a great accent chair or ottoman, or both. I'm definitely filing this one away for the future...


  1. Thanks for posting this! I have had my heart set on a Room and Board couch, but this one might be even better (and more affordable). My only concern would be quality, but other than that, I'm sold!

  2. I actually like the Ikea one better. Have you sat on it yet? Is it comfy?

    The Z Gallerie one looks oddly slopey, as if you'd fall to the sides on it. :)


  3. I actually like the looks of the Ikea one better! I'm sure that Z Gallerie one is super comfortable though!

  4. I so want a new couch, the one we have is fine and was given to us, by a friend which we reupholstered years ago. It has stood the test of time, but I would love a new couch, clean lines. Those are pretty

  5. I was never impressed with IKEA's selection of sofas, but I'll definitely be checking this one out the next time I'm in the store.

  6. I have some boat shoes, that are similar to the moccasins you bought in NY, but I'm not sure what to wear them with in this heat. I'd love a post on what you wear yours with...? Please. :)

  7. Although the Ikea sofa looks great, beware, we purchased a sofa at the store a few months ago and it is so firm(hard) I almost bounce off of it when I sit down.

  8. I think I almost like the Ikea sofa more. I'm not all for sofas with low arms--where do you rest your elbow while you're trying to read?!

  9. I have a couch somewhat similar to that couch. Same color and fabric and sqared off look, however mine is a very small sectional. We are interested in purchasing two chairs to compliment the couch. Have you thought about that already? Do you have any suggestions?

  10. I love your blog and when I saw this post I had to comment-- that couch is so stylish, but is ROCK HARD. If you are into non-cushy couches, you'll love it. There is little to no "settle" when you sit on it- it feels like the only "cushion" is thick batting.

    I agree, Ikea's couches tend to be a little on the tough side...


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