Friday, May 15, 2009

putting myself out there

Have you ever had a dream? I have one... and I decided, at 25, to go for it. Maybe I'll fail, maybe I'll succeed but I'll never know if I don't try!

Sooo.... one little reason why I took some pictures of our spaces yesterday is because I've decided to put myself out there.

I did some research and luckily CA isn't one of those evil ASID states (read more about it here) and I can legally decorate for others without passing their exam. So I thought - why not just get my stuff together and put myself out there?

I've talked to some talented, inspiring women who have done the same thing: Jenny @ Little Green Notebook, Lauren @ Pure Home Style, Camila @ High-Heeled Foot in the Door. They've guided me and given me advice and I decided to take the plunge.

I'm definitely not quitting my day job.... I'm just concentrating right now on putting together a website, taking a certification class and getting myself out there!

So here is my request:

Are there any of you in the Orange County/Los Angeles area that would be interested in my introductory interior design services? I'm looking to build a portfolio and am willing to work for very little compensation to do this.

I'm confident I can do this, I'm just looking for people out there who are confident in me, too!


  1. Congrats on the new venture, hope everything goes well!

  2. Congratulations. That sounds like an exciting adventure to take on. I don't live in your area but wanted to suggest you advertise on Craigslist; seems like a great place to get expose of your business to lots of people.

    Good luck!

  3. I wish I lived in your area....You have great style and would LOVE to invite you into my home for some help! BRAVO to you for reaching for your dreams...I am sure you will succeed. Have an awesome day and If you are ever in Alaska....HA!!!!!

  4. Good for you!! I can't wait to follow this journey. :)

  5. If I lived in your area I would for sure be interested in your services. Good luck and I LOVE that you are following your dream.

  6. Good for you! Just found your blog... love it!

  7. I love when that little voice inside says - follow your dream. I know you can do it!

  8. Good luck!! I wish you were in Texas and I would so take you up on it!

  9. Good for you! I'm so proud of you and wish you the best of luck. I know you will be successful - you are very talented.

  10. Come on back to Texas! And good luck, I am sure people will be flooding your email box.

  11. SOunds like a great plan! I can't wait to see how it takes off! You're going to be great!

  12. Thanks for the link to that post about the ASID. I used to work for a newspaper and wrote home stories. I was fussed at by an interior designer in town because I had dared to use as a source another decorator who wasn't licensed. It seemed very arrogant to me.

  13. what an awesome post! i've been feeling the same way about my photography. good luck!


  14. I have no doubt you'll succeed! The hardest part is putting yourself out there. Good luck! I wish I lived nearby so I could take advantage of your awesome skills :-)

  15. Good for you! If you ever want to visit Colorado, I would LOVE to use your decorating services. I love your style and have total confidence that you could turn my house into a home! Best of luck!

  16. Wish i lived in your area, I would def take you up on your offer. Good luck!

  17. That is so exciting Bryn- congrats!! I feel this same way about my little wedding planning business. I'm just going to try it and see what happens- what are you gonna lose?? Nothing, and you could gain a whole lot. :) My MIL lives in Redondo Beach- I will email her to see if her or any of her friends need an uber-talented decorator!!

  18. I'm in LA (South Bay). And I have a bedroom I could totally use your help with.

    my e-mail is mar5195 at hot mail dot com.

  19. Good for your Bryn! I love your blog and all your ideas! You have great style and if you ever come to Annapolis, MD, I would love for your to help me with my home! And really, I love seeing people taking that step to do what they really love. Best of luck to you!


  21. way to go Bryn! proud of you!!! best of luck!

  22. Thats awesome, congrats on taking a big step, you will do great!!

  23. I'm in Australia, so unfortunately can;t hire you, but jsut wanted to say, congrats for taking a big step! Enjoy living the dream!

  24. I don't live in the OC area, but I do live in the Inland Empire. If you want to drive east instead of west, just let me know. :)

  25. Way to go, Bryn! Congratulations! :)

  26. If only I lived in SoCal...sadly I'm across the country in Boston, otherwise I'd totally take you up on your offer!

  27. You are so talented, going for this is such an obvious choice! I just KNOW you're going to succeed!!!

  28. How exciting Bryn! Congratulations on the new venture and I can't wait to watch your journey~ You have so much talent, and you are passionate about it, and it just so happens that those are the most important ingredients for success.

  29. If I didn't live across the country, I'd love to have your help! I admire you for taking this step, Good Luck!!!

  30. I think that is GREAT!! Good for you for following your dream! If I lived near you I would for sure enlist your services!! Good luck! I can't wait to hear how it goes!

  31. Bryn, if you ever feel like driving a bit south to san diego, my bedroom will forever thank you. please contact me if you are interested!

  32. Congratulations on taking this new step toward your dream! You have great taste which I can vouch for, having been a lucky recipient of one of your mood boards :)

    I live in OC and would love to work with you! Your post is so timely - for my birthday today I've decided to while away these early hours finding inspiration for our (empty) loft area and I may have hit the jackpot in having the opportunity to get your design expertise!

  33. Just wanted to wish you tons of luck! This is awesome, if anyone can do it, you can. Life is short, don't put off pursuing your dreams, especially when you have so much talent! Wish I lived in your area (and could afford a designer)!

  34. that is awesome! good for you!
    I had a dream just like yours 3 years ago and i took the plunge. I never looked back and don't you either. I have followed your blog for quite some time and you are so talented and passionate about your work. You will do a fabulous job!

  35. maria - I can definitely go to San Diego! Please email me and we can chat about it :)

    brynalexandra at gmail

  36. Good Luck Bryn! YOu are excellent and I know you will do great!

  37. Bryn- I don't live anywhere near you, but I wanted to say Congrats! You have an amazing eye for decor and you will be great at it!

  38. Good for you. I'm not in OC, but if you ever find yourself in ATL I would love your help!

  39. I'm so excited for you! I think you should def. go for your dreams! I'm doing the same thing (preparing to live out my passions)!

  40. I live in Long Beach! Although we're pretty much done decorating our condo, I'd love to have more information. Shoot me an email at

  41. You will be great! The hardest part is taking the first step, right? Congrats and happy birthday!!

  42. whoa, i think we're maybe living opposite coast parallel lives.

    i'm doing the same thing, and just getting started, and we have the same birthday!

  43. Can't you live just a little closer to my area...we're in PA. Good Luck on your new adventure, I'm sure you'll succeed!

  44. Yay I'm so excited for you!!!! keep us posted and good luck!! xoxox

  45. This is so inspiring- congratulations and good luck.

  46. thats awesome! good luck. i'm kind of venturing on something similar, except with fashion/clothing, so we're kind of in the same boat. but i believe that you will do a great job and this will be very successful! keep us posted on your progress! :) this is so exciting, yet scary at the same time, you know what i mean? :) once again, good luck! :)

  47. Go for it! I've chatted with a couple of these ladies myself about doing the same thing. If you know in your gut you've got what it takes, then you WILL succeed!

    Your blog is gorgeous, your idea boards are killer, and your home looks adorable - Well DONE!!

    Good Luck!

  48. What a fun post! And inspired to hear [or I guess read] about your new adventure in design. You'll do so well!

  49. thats awesome! good luck. i'm kind of venturing on something similar, except with fashion/clothing, so we're kind of in the same boat. but i believe that you will do a great job and this will be very successful! keep us posted on your progress! :) this is so exciting, yet scary at the same time, you know what i mean? :) once again, good luck! :)


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