Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fashion Inspiration: A bit creepy?

Ugh! I've been in such a clothing RUT lately. Fall and "Winter" (I use the term loosely because I live in So Cal) are so much easier for me... I just layer my favorite things and voila- outfits.

Now that it's getting warmer, I struggle with my closet every morning. I've temporarily disowned my thrifty threads because there is nothing inspiring about what I have been wearing lately.

SO. I don't turn to fashion mags when I am in a rut, I turn to Jessica at What I Wore - I've praised her before but what can I say - this gal has talent. So I've collage-d some of my favorite things from her to help inspire me.... hopefully she isn't creeped out.

I am going to head to the thrift store during my lunch... luckily I have some extra cash on me. I'm going to search for:

- basic black full skirt
- chiffon, lace, eyelet, silk vintage tops
- colorful knee-length dresses (because my legs are NOT as great as hers)
- vintage golf shorts

Things I need to buy new:
- very sheer black pantyhose (because I cannot pull of fishnets!)
- cognac platforms (I STILL am wanting these!)
- jeans that fit me (yay for losing weight... boo to all my ill fitting jeans)

As always, thanks for the inspiration, Jessica! You are my virtual fashion mag.


  1. I love her website. She's got mad style!

  2. I feel like I'm always in a clothing rut! I was looking in my closet just the other day...why is it that I buy the same shirt in 4 different colors??? I'm anxious to see what you try.

  3. I love love love her website. The pic you posted - top row, second from the left - where she's wearing the top she made from a dress, that's one of my fave outfits. Have fun shopping!

  4. i love her website too! I stalk it all. the. time! thanks for the collage!

  5. i love her website too! Thanks for putting the collage together. I hear ya on the rut thing too. NE winters suck!

  6. I just went to TJMaxx and found some cute things, a top for $14 and a jacket too for I think $12 and some fresh beach towels to brighten up the bath! I plan to post on them. Off to look at her site....

  7. I love her website and wish I had her knack for putting thinks together!

  8. She reminds me soo much of Zooey DeChanel. Thanks for introducing me to her. Some major style inspiration for sure!!

  9. Wow this girl got style!

    I feel in desperate need for a closet clean out and update!!

    So good of you to go shopping with a list like that!

  10. oh wow. that girl has style. i'm going to go check out her blog now. :]

  11. I really like her looks as well! She's a classy lady.

  12. Fun stuff. I like to look through the J Crew catalogs for inspiration. Yesterday I had no idea what to wear, but then leafed through the catalog, and realized I had some similar stuff to a great looking outfit they showed, but that I hadn't ever thought to put together myself. That one was all about the accessories, actually, but you are right: get yourself those fun basics, and you'll be set to go for the warmer weather.


  13. Funny you saw you have to buy stockings/nylons/tights new---keep in mind that thrift stores cannot sell used ones (only those in packages) - so I get all of my tights (some vintage 80s neon ones, for example) from the Goodwill down the street. You can also find sheerer styles as well :)

  14. I absolutely LOVE her blog - such amazing inspiration day in and day out!

  15. I absolutely LOVE her blog - such amazing inspiration day in and day out!

  16. I really like her looks as well! She's a classy lady.

  17. i love her website too! Thanks for putting the collage together. I hear ya on the rut thing too. NE winters suck!

  18. I love her website and wish I had her knack for putting thinks together!


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