Wednesday, May 13, 2009

another fashion gal

I'm not quite sure how I found this gal (I think wardrobe remix on flickr??) but I just adore her style.

Once I found her I wrote her and said "I think you live in my town!! Those hills behind you look exactly like the ones that are behind our house". Turns out, she lives directly on the other side of the hill in a different town and county.

I regress.. since it seems my readers like fashion inspiration as much as I do, I thought I'd share these images with you. Not only does she always look put together, but her clothing is very thrifty, which is my favorite kind of inspiration. Here are some of my favorites from her...

I love her dogs!! I'm a sucker for spaniels.

Check her out here and here!


  1. not only does she have great style, but she's skinny, which I don't like...j/k

  2. ooh, she's one of my faves as well! She has a blog too:

  3. I'll never look that good but she looks great! Her style looks effortless.

  4. I like a gal with champagne taste and a beer budget.
    She looks fun, like a gal you would want to go and have a beer with...or a glass of champagne.

  5. Love her style too! She's super skinny!

    Love those pictures, they look great and pick up the perfect color!

    I also love King Charles dogs... so stinking cute!

  6. She's adorable and you both have great styles! :)

  7. That looks like Eagle Glen/Corona at the base of the Cleveland National Forest. (I lived there when I first got married.) I love her look, especially that first one!

  8. Love her style and that view is to die for!

  9. Love her shoes too. You should be new bffs!


  10. Lovely outfits indeed! She's effortlessly chic.

  11. i love her style and her dogs; thanks for sharing!!


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