Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Two Things...

I've been a bad little blogger lately, so sorry. But I did want to share two things with you....

1) I found some really great vintage stuff today during lunch.

What were they for? I'm glad you asked.

2.) I decided to launch an Etsy store!

The reason for my little Etsy store.... the Salvation Army I go to locally is in a neighborhood that some people refer to as "leisure world"; there is a large population of elderly folks here. So what does that mean? Amazing vintage stuff can be found at the local thrift stores. I thought it'd be a great opportunity to share these knick-knacks with stylish and chic people who don't necessarily have access to high quality thrifting. I'm also going to try hard to keep the items in my store <$25, because everyone knows I love a bargain.


  1. How fun! Can't wait to see what you find.

    Although you should really reserve the good stuff for your faithful blog readers :)

  2. Awesome! I think your style is great, so I am looking forward to seeing what you find!

  3. Wow great idea. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  4. Good luck with the next venture Bryn! You have a great eye for unique things so I am sure it will be filled with treasures~

  5. Awesome!!!! I can't wait, I am one of those thrifting challenged people you are referring to. We don't have many options here in Alaska.

  6. Fun! I would love to do this, but just don't have the time! I will have to live vicariously through you!! :)

  7. yay, i am so excited. i can't wait to see all the great finds!

  8. What a fun idea...I can't wait to see all your finds!

  9. Awesome!!! I can't wait to check out all your finds. :)

  10. How exciting! Can't wait to see all of your great finds!

  11. What a fantastic plan. And I love your lace and woodgrain logo.

    I agree with Mrs. Limestone, though. And try not to keep ALL the good stuff for yourself : )


  12. How fantastic! I remember when you did the D&R Yard Sale--loved that!

    First dibs on anything super cool! =)

  13. Great! You are always doing something great Bryn.

  14. I am so excited for this! I was completely jealous of your thrifty finds because the stores around here aren't very good. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us!

  15. So fun!! What's the store's link? Can't wait to shop :)

  16. Bryn! I'm so excited for your etsy shop :) congrats on starting one up!! We need to go thrift shopping together! I went up north in stockton while visiting my mom and found some lovely things! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  17. Hi Bryn!
    Years ago in the '80's when I was visiting family out in soCa, had to buy two extra suitcases at Leisure World Salv. Army, in order to bring home all the amazing things I bought there. For us Eastcoasters, the vintage finds on your coast are a treat! My all-time favorite vintage shop is Tippi Canoe in Laguna.


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