Monday, April 27, 2009

Ode to Seleta

I just can't believe it. I won this amazing dress from Simple Seleta:

Isn't it beautiful? When I saw it on her blog I knew it'd be perfect to wear on my birthday which is coming up. My parents are flying out to spend it with me, and now I have the perfect dress to wear! I'm so so so excited.

I had to dedicate this post to Seleta because she is just such an amazing woman - she has four gorgeous offspring that I'm sure keeps her busy, but she still has time to be fabulous. The word amazing does not describe her home, how about magazine worthy?

And the most amazing thing about her - she always looks so.put.together. It's something I envy, with my wild curly hair and makeup that rubs off after 10 am because I constantly touch my face, a habit I cannot rid. Another reason I brought her up is because I was searching on Etsy and found a blouse that just reminds me so much of Seleta...

Here she is in all her fabulous-ness, in the blue top & pearls..

Be sure to add her blog to your favorites if it's not already on there!


  1. Congrats on winning the dress. Love the dress and Seleta's blog.

  2. Congratulations on winning the dress, your going to look beautiful in that dress. I look at Seleta's blog every day, and I do remember looking at the dress on Friday on her blog. Enjoy your dress on your Birthday.

  3. Congrats you lucky lady!
    You will wear it well.

  4. That's a gorgeous dress!! Congratulations.

    Saskia x

  5. Just beautiful. Where can I get that dress?

  6. oooh such a pretty dress...perfect for birthday celebrations :)

  7. congrats, that's awesome. how do you touch your face? like rubbing? ?

  8. Love your dress, Bryn. Seleta's blog is great!

  9. ohmigoodness you are just the luckiest ever! :) you will look so lovely in that dress! congrats! hehe.

  10. ohmigoodness you are just the luckiest ever! :) you will look so lovely in that dress! congrats! hehe.

  11. Congratulations on winning the dress, your going to look beautiful in that dress. I look at Seleta's blog every day, and I do remember looking at the dress on Friday on her blog. Enjoy your dress on your Birthday.


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