Tuesday, April 7, 2009

If I had a dollar....

If I had a dollar for every time I changed my mind, I'd be a millionaire billionaire*. I've been thinking a lot about rugs/living room/colors and decided against the bright yellow.

I know what you're thinking - what?!

When I got the actual [very large] bolster filler pillow from eBay, it didn't look so great with the bright yellow on that little couch... so I decided to go back to the basics. Neutral it is!

(Don't worry, it's not too tragic. I'm thinking of using the bright fabric and bright painting in our dark gray bedroom.)

Here is my reasoning: Instead of fighting the neutral theme that's already in the room, I'm just going to go with it. After all, neutrals are my favorite, and I especially realized that after looking at my inspiration pics over and over again (Literally, all the rooms are neutral. What can I say, I'm a boring chick).

And my reasoning part two: Someday we want to purchase our own place. Therefore, I want to only buy pieces that I know I can use in our future homes, something classic and timeless.

Here is the rug that made my change my mind:

It's simple, casual yet preppy - and see the color? I anticipate it blending nicely with my newly painted console.

I did some quick little mock ups of how the rug can work for us now, and in the future.


- I hope to find a piece of artwork that is similar to my french girl above at the Rose Bowl flea market this weekend. I'd like something large and neutral to place on the console.

- I love this neutral fabric with a fabulous pattern.


I've been dreaming up this future room for a long time. I can't wait until I can make something like this happen. Clean, simple, warm and elegantly casual. My favorite type of design.

*I know my indecisiveness can probably be a bit irritating for you, the reader. If I was a politician, I'd definitely be a flip-flopper. I hope this annoying yet real aspect of my personality doesn't shy you away from this blog.


  1. In my humble opinion, I think the fact that you're flip flopping makes you more of a real person! Seriously, is there anyone out here that doesn't change their mind? If so, and I'm totally off the mark, rest assured I'm just like you. Actually I'm even worse - I keep postponing starting any real redecoration work because I keep changing my mind. Maybe I should just jump in and see where it takes me.

    p.s. Your new rug find...LOVE IT!

  2. pillow...where bryn..i want one.

  3. What an absolutely stunning blog!

    I love it!

    The Lettered Cottage

  4. I'm really enjoying your blog. Glad someone else is indecisive--I am too, so it's nice to hear that I'm not alone.

  5. LOL, don't worry bryn, i am the EXACT same way, we're twins ;)

    have you seen that commercial where the girl is picking out shoes and she's like 'espadrilles or wedges' and her bf is like, "wedges" and she chooses espadrilles. haha. i do that with my bf, nick, all the time. i'll ask his opinion and then i'll choose the opposite thing. but then i'll change my mind a couple ore times again.

    i do wish i were more decisive. but it's good to know others are out there like me ;)

  6. A girl after my own flip-flop heart. I know how you feel. I see some lovely pale blue mattes on your artwork with dark frames - like the rug.
    Stripes always make me flip!

  7. I found your blog through my reader recommendations and I've been browsing all of your archives all morning :) What great design inspiration you've given me!

    I love the rug!

    Saskia x

  8. I definitely think you're making the right decision there. Rugs are too expensive to use as accent pieces. You can always bring in pops of color in cheaper ways.

  9. I absolutely love it! The blue is so pretty and airy.

  10. Where does this rug come from? I LOVE it.

  11. I flip flop about the decor in my house literally EVERY DAY! Don't worry about it. You're good with me. :)

  12. No worries on your indecisions...I can't even begin to tell you how often I change my mind when it comes to decor. I do love the rug you've chosen, and it's going to look gorgeous in your room. Can't wait to see pics!

  13. love that rug. can't go wrong with D&A. I would reccomend the indoor-outdoor if you can get it. I have a cotton one that's brown and white stripes and it shows dirt like a champ. luckily its small and I can toss it in the wash.

    and I think changing your mind kind of comes with the territory! you didn't marry the first guy you met did you?? haha.

  14. I love that run, Bryn!! I first saw it on Eddie Ross's blog and immediately fell in love. The colors are just gorgeous. Can't wait to see the room all put together!

    PS - I don't think your indecisiveness is a bad thing. Rather, you actually take the time to decide if you really want something instead of making a rash purchase. And I think only purchasing items that will work for you in a new home is smart. :)

  15. Where did you find the rug? I'm busy flip flopping on a neutral, house matching decor for our new playroom and a bright, kid friendly design that won't match my house at all. I *have* decided that its all about the rug.

  16. Nothing would deter me from this blog! I am almost as indecisive as you! Love that rug!

  17. I love it! I want it too. Please link us to that rug.



  18. Beautiful rug and it works so well in both rooms.

  19. Love the rug- LOVE IT! I may be buying the rug... Oh and that fabric pattern! Keep bringing the finds to us! :)

  20. Love the rug- LOVE IT! I may be buying the rug... Oh and that fabric pattern! Keep bringing the finds to us! :)

  21. Beautiful rug and it works so well in both rooms.

  22. I love that run, Bryn!! I first saw it on Eddie Ross's blog and immediately fell in love. The colors are just gorgeous. Can't wait to see the room all put together!

    PS - I don't think your indecisiveness is a bad thing. Rather, you actually take the time to decide if you really want something instead of making a rash purchase. And I think only purchasing items that will work for you in a new home is smart. :)

  23. I flip flop about the decor in my house literally EVERY DAY! Don't worry about it. You're good with me. :)

  24. I definitely think you're making the right decision there. Rugs are too expensive to use as accent pieces. You can always bring in pops of color in cheaper ways.

  25. LOL, don't worry bryn, i am the EXACT same way, we're twins ;)

    have you seen that commercial where the girl is picking out shoes and she's like 'espadrilles or wedges' and her bf is like, "wedges" and she chooses espadrilles. haha. i do that with my bf, nick, all the time. i'll ask his opinion and then i'll choose the opposite thing. but then i'll change my mind a couple ore times again.

    i do wish i were more decisive. but it's good to know others are out there like me ;)

  26. What an absolutely stunning blog!

    I love it!

    The Lettered Cottage


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