Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Weekend!

I'm starting off the weekend on a high note, despite the tiny sore throat/allergies I'm fighting. Last night the husb and I went to a local Alum party for OU and had a blast. Met some great people, reminisced about Norman bars and food and classrooms, talked about how much we all miss it.

I'll be spending the weekend.......

- Drinking hot tea (it makes my throat feel better)

- In San Diego for a day trip

- Purchasing a major Craigslist score, which leaves me obsessing over Little Green Notebook's bedroom:

You can see more of it here.

- And of course... house cleaning. :-/

Happy weekend to you all!


  1. We're going to have nice weather (albeit a little cool) this weekend here in SD. Have a nice trip :)

  2. what is the major craigslist score? I scored a new file cabinet I'm picking up on Sunday to aid to complete the spring cleaning odyssey!

  3. Have a great weekend! And, feel better!

    PS - You've been tagged....

  4. I can't wait to see what the craigslist score is! Whenever you have time, if you don't mind stopping by my blog and giving me your opinion on which area rug would look the best in my living room, I have narrowed it down to four. Thanks so much! =)

  5. I have been craving a swirl and chicken nachos from the mont ... ALL WEEK! If it only weren't 1400 miles away.

  6. I have been craving a swirl and chicken nachos from the mont ... ALL WEEK! If it only weren't 1400 miles away.

  7. what is the major craigslist score? I scored a new file cabinet I'm picking up on Sunday to aid to complete the spring cleaning odyssey!


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