Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Happy First Day of Spring!

I did a little spring cleaning here at Newlywedisms - we got rid of the old [title] and in with the new [title].

I changed the title of this blog from Newlywedisms by Bryn to bryn alexandra, for a couple of reasons:

- Let's face it, at almost two years of marriage, we are hardly newlyweds anymore! We're getting into old married couple status soon ;)

- I don't actually write much about newlywed life here on the blog. Since I ramble on about anything and everything, I figured I'd give it a basic name - and you can't get more basic than my name!

- My address is actually, so I thought it'd be fitting to have the blog name match the blog address.

- I'm working on my actual website,, and I thought it'd be fitting to have the same name. On this site I'll have information about all my little "services" - web design, blog designs, idea boards, wedding invitations, etc.

So there you have it! Blog spring cleaning.

**If you use blogger, it should automatically update on your blog roll, but if it doesn't please update your blog roll to my new name :)

And don't worry - nothing about the blog will change. Unless you want something to change for the better, and in that case let me know!


  1. Congrats on the switch! I always loved your name :)

    (PS: Have you gotten a chance to make those changes? I keep forgetting to email you!)

  2. congratulations! it looks beautiful.

  3. Love the new look and your name is beautiful so it's an elegant change :)

  4. Looks great! I keep thinking about contacting you for help {designing--if you will} a new blog header for me.

  5. makes perfect sense to spring clean and make the changes! like it!

  6. Can't wait to the website! Congrats lovely!

  7. Love the name change

  8. It's gorgeous, dahling. You looks so happy in the picture at the top.


  9. It's gorgeous, dahling. You looks so happy in the picture at the top.


  10. Love the new look and your name is beautiful so it's an elegant change :)

  11. Congrats on the switch! I always loved your name :)

    (PS: Have you gotten a chance to make those changes? I keep forgetting to email you!)


THANK YOU for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate each and every comment.