Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rose Bowl Pics

Eddie Ross posted his re-cap (short and sweet) as well as some awesome pictures of the Rose Bowl Flea Market day!

Here are some pictures I thought I'd share with you.

Me and the give-away prize!

Do you see me on the right listening closely to Eddie?

See my AWESOME fabric? I need to buy a bolster pillow so I can make that case already.

I can't wait to go back April 12th!

Thanks, again Eddie :)


  1. I;m soo sad I can't go again until June!( when I suggested to my mother I spend Easter morning there, and not at church, it wasn't a pretty site...)

  2. I must be a picture nut...more pictures...more pictures please!

  3. I see, I see! Aww, Eddie is the best!

  4. I wish that we had a flea market like that!

  5. I must know, where is the next shopping extravaganza located? I want in on the Eddie fun!

  6. You lucky girl! I'd KILL to go shopping with Eddie and I wish he'd come to San Francisco! This might just be the motivation I need to come 'visit family' in L.A. this summer!

  7. You lucky girl! I'd KILL to go shopping with Eddie and I wish he'd come to San Francisco! This might just be the motivation I need to come 'visit family' in L.A. this summer!


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