Friday, March 6, 2009


I love this little picture*....

My wheels have been turning lately for a teeny tiny budget makeover in the house... I had an idea and then I stumbled upon this image and it solidified it. I can't wait to share, but right now it's only in my head.

*I have no idea where this came from... it's in my inspiration folder. Does anyone know, I'd like to give credit. Thanks! FOUND IT! It's from one of my favorite bloggers ever: A Merry Mishap. She is so fabulous.


  1. I love this too...especially the little mirror over the bed.

  2. Gorgeous room- nice and simple. I'd be curious to know where this is from as well...

  3. I'm pretty sure this is my girlfriend Jens room! haha She's at I so love her style-you can check out her home tour on Scoop here:

  4. Gorgeous room- nice and simple. I'd be curious to know where this is from as well...


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