Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's with a heavy heart...

Remember I posted about going thrifting with Eddie? Unfortunately, with a heavy heart, I had to cancel. The reasoning is...

  1. $50 can be better spent elsewhere right now.
  2. And let's be honest - I would have spent much more than the $50 cover fee when I laid my eyes on all the great antiques and Eddie on my side telling me how great they are.
  3. I desperately need some new shoes. Not just a "oh aren't those pretty" type of need, but the "soles are falling off half a dozen pairs of my shoes and they have passed looking vintage to just looking gross" type of need.
I am excited to see how the day turns out (it's this Sunday) on Eddie and other blogger's blogs though! And I definitely owe myself a trip out to the Rose Bowl flea market when our bank account has a bit more padding.

And back to the shoes issue - I'm currently coveting these Charles by Charles Davids:

When you're a recessionista like myself, you have to think about what will get you the most bang for your buck. These suckers will - I believe that cognac looks great with both brown and black. I can definitely see myself wearing them almost everyday this spring/summer.

Have any of you seen cognac pumps with a thick heel for less than $58.50? Please let me know if you have!


  1. Today must be blog about shoes day! I have the same issues!! I feel your pain and think you made the right decission!

  2. I'm have to PAY to go thrifting with Eddie? Wow, maybe you start your own thrifting education business! :) Doing something you love and making a buck. What a grand idea! Not to mention, with style like yours, clients would be a plenty! :)

  3. I couldn't stomach forking over the dough to see Eddie either. But I will be there so I figure we're bound to run into one another. :)

  4. I love everything about these!!! The color, the shape, the heel, the toe... everything! Love them and SO well worth the $58.50!!!!

  5. I felt like there was a fee somewhere in there..

  6. Aww darn! I was looking forward to seeing pictures from your trip... but those shoes are pretty cute!! :)

  7. i think you could go to the rose bowl and pay the $8 entrance fee and use the remainder $42 for a purchase and still get something amazing without eddie telling you that it is amazing. he gives a really great education on his blog, plus the magazines have great info on things to buy/not to buy. you might try that instead. but then again, as you said, that $50 can be better spent elsewhere right now. and let's be honest, your house looks amazing!! what a dilemma.


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