Monday, March 9, 2009

3.8.09: Shopping with Eddie!

Yesterday I had a great time shopping with Eddie. I learned a lot, and it's really fascinating how he can zoom in on something amazing from a mile away. It would take me hours and hours to find the things he just sees was he walks down the aisles. Must be that Martha training!

Today I'm going to share with you the pictures and "Eddie Tips" from the day, and tomorrow I'll share with you my great (very inexpensive) finds! And I also have a beautiful, very Eddie inspired giveaway for you that I found while shopping with him.

It was a beautiful day in Pasadena. We met at the front and got acquainted. Then Eddie took us to the very back.

Eddie tip: Start at the back of flea markets and work your way up. That way you make sure you don't miss anything and get lost in the rows and rows of stuff!

At this vendor, Eddie showed us the tables of "stuff". It had so many great little knick-knacks.

Eddie tip: Find little things (like on this table) to place around your house - it will add character and it's an easy, inexpensive and chic way to fill bookshelves.

We then cruised down to an amazing vendor with the best antique pieces. Just check out this piece:

A vintage dresser with a travertine marble top! AMAZING!

Eddie tip: He would paint this piece color that is in the travertine. Or perhaps a cool gray. He also mentioned he would cover up the gold, but keep the antique hardware.

The amazing detail in the marble top.

This piece was only............. $175!!!

Eddie tip: Cut off the legs of this piece, add some height with some new wooden legs, install a sink and use this piece in a bathroom. The whole project would cost a total of around $350.

Another Eddie shopper suggested using this as a nightstand.

Eddie found this amazing antique and shared it's history with us. He mentioned the year it was made, but I cannot recall it correctly. I want to say it was from the 1700s? He explained to us that it was used for cooking turkeys, and the little row of holes (you can see it a little) were used to get all the juices and make gravy. I could just imagine woman in little bonnets using it hundreds and hundreds of years ago (I'm such a sucker for history! That's why I love old things).

Eddie tip: If you can, invest in an antique like this ($800). You can use it on a very inexpensive hutch with two tall candle sticks next to it, and keep it there year round; not just during the holidays! This is a investment piece, and something you can pass on down generations. (Hello Antique Roadshow!)

Eddie spotted these AMAZING turquoise vintage lamps. One of Eddie's shoppers snatched them up - I'm so glad! I can't wait to see them finished (she promised to send pics to Eddie).

Eddie tip: Clean them off, put a lucite base on them (love that!) and put a huge oversized drum shade.

A little bit of history I loved - many things like these lamps from the 60's and 70's have that dingy black stuff on it - it's from tar and smoke from cigarettes. Can't you just see a chic young married couple smoking some Lucky Strikes by these lamps? Okay, smoking is bad bad bad but I just love imagining the families that had these items.

The same vendor had some amazing stuff:

I love that setee!

Eddie tip: Go ahead and buy the single, lonely candlestick. There are so many great places you can put them! And it looks great to have a bunch of mis-matched candlesticks all together in a bunch.

See that crystal knob in Eddie's hand? They were only $10! They were fantastic, there was a whole box of them!

Next up are some images I took on my own of some things I loved:

I loved this vintage pendant. I didn't ask how much it was, but the white and the wood makes me weak in the knees!

AMAZING mid-century furniture. I didn't dare ask how much.

I really loved this hutch. Check out the hardware! (and for those of you guys who love my thrifty threads, you can see what I wore to go shopping with Eddie)

Eddie, me and Jaithan! We had such a blast!

A HUGE THANK YOU to the amazing woman who allowed for this to happen, and to Eddie and Jaithan, too! I had such an amazing time, and I've now made plans to go to the Rose Bowl Flea Market every month!

Check out Danielle's recap... she was super sweet and got an amazing chair for $5. She also got to meet Ginnifer Goodwin... last night during Big Love I was sooooooo jealous and sad I didn't see her!

As other bloggers post their recaps, I'll be sure and try to link them up. Check back to see my amazing purchases!


  1. oh youre pics are great..except me and my frizzy hair are right up front in a few!!

    It was such a great day, wasnt it!!

  2. Bryn I would be so broke if I went..I need to see if we have something like that here. Well maybe you know since you are from here..I was about to hit send until the thought crossed me. Please let me know.

  3. Thanks for sharing your experience (and Eddie tips) with us! It looks like you had an amazing time and I'm so happy for you. I still get chills thinking how that awesome lady paid for you to go. What a wonderful thing to do for someone you don't even know!

    Are you familiar with Operation Nice ( If not you should check it out and nominate the lovely lady who paid your way as "Nice Person of the Week." What a great tribute that would be!

  4. Oh that's so fun! I would have a BLAST meeting Eddie Ross, I'm sure. I can't wait to see your finds!

  5. Im jealous of your Eddie-expeirence, i would have loved to see and do ALL of that..ahhhh.

  6. Bryn, your flea market day looks like so much fun with Eddie, I'm glad you got the chance to go thanks to those nice people who wanted to pay it forward.

    I cant wait to see what you got!

  7. looks like so much fun! soooo glad you got to go!

  8. Oh, Eddie is the BEST! Great post and looks like you had a blast!

  9. I just found your blog....I had so much fun on the flea market trip too!!! (The girl with the striped headband). If it is okay with you, I will link on over to your post when I post later this week:) Have a great day!

  10. AW SOOO FUN!

    That is so great that we are so close together! It'd be fun to go flea shopping together ;)

    I haven't been to the Rose Bowl Market yet ... Sometimes I head down to the Long Beach antique market though.

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. This was a great post! It would be fun to go shopping together!

  12. oh my goodness...what a dream shopping trip!!!

    vintage/antique shopping has become a guilty pleasure, but really a hobby :) i've found some awesome places in charlotte...but mostly on the outskirts where they'll haggle with you!

  13. oh my goodness...what a dream shopping trip!!!

    vintage/antique shopping has become a guilty pleasure, but really a hobby :) i've found some awesome places in charlotte...but mostly on the outskirts where they'll haggle with you!

  14. I just found your blog....I had so much fun on the flea market trip too!!! (The girl with the striped headband). If it is okay with you, I will link on over to your post when I post later this week:) Have a great day!

  15. AW SOOO FUN!

    That is so great that we are so close together! It'd be fun to go flea shopping together ;)

    I haven't been to the Rose Bowl Market yet ... Sometimes I head down to the Long Beach antique market though.

    Thanks for sharing!

  16. Im jealous of your Eddie-expeirence, i would have loved to see and do ALL of that..ahhhh.

  17. Oh that's so fun! I would have a BLAST meeting Eddie Ross, I'm sure. I can't wait to see your finds!


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