Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thinking outside the Dresser

I'm not typically a fan of wall decals. I had to make an exception when I stumbled upon a new way to use them.... on dressers!

{country living}

Aren't these fun? And the best part - if you get sick of it, you can always peel them off and try something new.

I did a little make-believe of an inexpensive, fun dresser for your inspiration.

I picked the simple Kullen dresser from Ikea ($59.99). I thought it would be pretty painted in a light blue; this one is Handkerchief by Martha Stewart. Then I picked these awesome poppy decals (I love poppies!) in a bright California sunshine golden yellow ($30).

The whole project would cost you around $100*, not too bad for a brand new dresser with tons of personality!

*If you want to do the project for even less, check out Craigslist of junky old dresser that are practically given away. You could probably keep the project under $50, all you'd need is a new coat of paint!


  1. Oh thank you, I don't mind at all. I like your blog too! I'll definitely have to bookmark it!

  2. I have two ikea dressers that are BEGGING for this type of facelift! Thanks!!

  3. Snazzy idea! I am expecting my first baby and I think the alphabet decals would be adorable on his dresser. Something I'm going to have to think about...

  4. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

    I saw a wall decal on the side of a fridge once that looked amazing!


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