Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sewing: Yes, the economy is that bad.

The title of this post is intended to be tongue-in-cheek, but seriously - I've noticed lately more bloggers posting about sewing. I do have a sewing machine in our home, thanks to mother-in-law. However, I wouldn't consider myself a "sewer". I've done a total of 1 pair of pajama pants in middle school home ec, 4 curtains and 4 pillow cases in my entire life.

However, I decided today I'm going to try and go forth in some new sewing adventures. For instance, my newest favorite blogger and girl crush, Darling Dexter, has done a few cute sewing projects by Built By Wendy. Check out this adorable dress:

{via Darling Dexter}

Before you (and I) try to tackle a pattern, I'm soo happy to share that Jessica Schroeder is offering up her expertise to us! Check out her blog, she has written and video instructions.

I plan on joining in and making the skirt she's currently teaching. Here is her finished project:

So anyone out there doing the virtual sewing class with me? I'm going to go out and buy fabric this weekend...


  1. hey bryn! yes - i plan on following jessica's sewing tutorials! i watched her vid last night, but haven't started. i got a sewing machine for xmas and have been practicing making a few baby items for friends, but that is about the extend of my sewing. lol!

  2. That's one of my goals for this year...but I need a sewing machine first! Looking foward to seeing your project!

  3. I've wanted to try sewing again. I did it in 4-H many, many years ago!

  4. i want to.... i need a sewing machine though! definitely show us your attempt though!

  5. How funny. Im about to take a sewing class. I've always wanted to learn so I don't know why I put it off so long.

    That said, I highly doubt this hobby will save me money.

  6. Yeah I love her website and plan on joining her sewing class at some point...not sure if I'm going to do it right now though.

  7. Wow I love that dress. I also have a sewing machine around my house, but I have yet to actually use it. My husband is the one I give all my sewing projects too.

    I'm going to have to give it try.

  8. Argh, I would love to, but I don't have a sewing machine. I'd totally wear that skirt, though.

  9. I am dying to learn how to sew. My grandma has offered me one of her sewing machines... I'm hoping to get a little talent by osmosis. Keep us posted on your sewing adventures.

  10. Learning to sew was my project for the winter- I've made a skirt so far that I'm really proud of! :) I'm doing Jessica's sewing class too, I have the fabric and notions, but I haven't done lesson 1 yet b/c I keep forgetting to throw the fabric in the wash first. I'm really excited though, she's made it very beginner friendly. :) Darling Dexter makes such cute clothes doesn't she? I don't think I'll be at her skill level for quite a while, but it's fun to see where a sewing talent can take you. I'm so glad you're learning to sew too- keep us posted!

  11. I'm so excited about Jessica's class. I have all of my supplies, but I haven't actually started yet. I definitely want to see your skirt when you get done!

  12. Bryn- You were an AWESOME seamstress! I'll never forget those pajama bottoms - so cute. You're inspiring me again - I think I'll go and dust off my Viking and try to make some curtains...Love, Mom

  13. I have no idea how to sew, but I love the skirt!

  14. Oh gosh. I LOVE that skirt. I always threaten to learn how to sew, but I never actually do it. My husband's in Seminary right now, an older professor's wife actually teaches a free sewing class each semester. I've avoided it because it seems so... I don't know... seminary wife-ish. But if I could sew a skirt like that, it just might be worth it.... ;)


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