Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Year, A New Newlywedisms!

January 2nd marked the ONE YEAR anniversary of Newlywedisms by Bryn! This year has flown by and I'm so excited to share Newlywedisms 2.0, the renovation with you.

I wanted the blog to be a little more reader friendly and esthetically pleasing, so I asked my [computer programmer/engineer] dad to help, and voila! Designed by me, programmed by him. I think he got a little annoyed with me during the process, but we made a good team. And thank god for gmail & gchat - we did the entire re-design using those two forms of communication.

I had originally planned a bigger Anniversary celebration, but unfortunately our lives, minds and hearts have been consumed with Charlotte (I'll update soon regarding her condition). 2009 hasn't been the best of times, but the husband and I have said it can only get better from here.

I do have some plans in my back pocket for the blog, and I plan on 2009 being better than 2008. But in the mean time, go to my Blog Archive and click on January to check out what the blog was like back then, it's pretty fun seeing what I was thinking and doing a year ago - hence the reason why I started this blog!

And lastly, a big THANK YOU to my readers! Thanks for continually checking out the blog, commenting and supporting me through rough times (right now). The blog world is a great community and I'm glad I joined it a year ago!

shameless plug: If you are looking to re-vamp your blog, my dad and I would love to help you out! We both have a good time doing it and because it's a hobby for us, it's more budget friendly than hiring a graphic designer.


  1. Oooh, Bryn I might like to hire you to revamp my blog too! I tried creating a three column template, but now my header is all screwed up and I cannot customize it. Can you email me at and let me know how much you would charge?
    Your new layout looks great, I really love it! I thought it looked great before but this looks even better!

  2. Like the new look. Very clean and modern. I just redid my blog while I was on blogging vacation. Continued success this year with blogging.

  3. The blog looks great! You and your dad did a fantastic job.

    I can't wait to see what's to come.

  4. Looks great, Bryn! I know how much work a redesign is so I applaud you and your dad for making it through in one piece. And happy anniversary too!

  5. I love it Bryn...I think I need you and your Dad to help me out. I agree 2009 will get better. Keep your head up and have faith. Everything that will be, will be. I am trying to learn to get out of my own way.

  6. wonderful revamp!!! :) And adore the color scheme as well!

  7. Love the look...and would LOVE help with mine! I will shoot you an email this week. Happy Anniversary! :)

  8. Absolutely love the renovation - so clean, modern, and fresh. Although I loved your old design too. This is on my to-do list for 2009 as well.

    Hope things are improving with Charlotte!!

  9. I tried to sign on yesterday and got an error message that your blog had been set to private. Phew, I'm so glad that you're back today :)

  10. Love the new format! I tried get on your blog yesterday and got a error messaged that you'd gone private. Phew, what a relief that you're back today :)

  11. Any suggestions that you or your dad have for mine, I'd love to hear them. BTW, yours looks fantasic. Good Job to you both.

  12. Wow - I love the new look! You and your dad did a great job!

  13. Wow - I love the new look! You and your dad did a great job!

  14. I love the new look! Bravo!
    So sorry to hear about your Char, I hope she feels better soon.

  15. Love the new look very sleek and clean! Can't wait to see what's in store for 09!

  16. Love the new look! I always link to other blogs from yours, is your list smaller forever?

  17. Love the new look! And I totally forgot that you do mood boards. Look for an email from me very soon. My living room needs help!

    Happy Anniversary!

  18. I got an error yesterday too about your blog being private - thank you for remodeling it and keeping it open!

    I am keeping Char in my prayers!

  19. The new blog looks great. Id be curious to what your dad charges too. I have zero skills when it comes to programming!

  20. Love it! Happy anniversary darling!!

  21. New look is fabulous and my thoughts are with you as Charlotte recovers!

  22. Love the new look! And I totally forgot that you do mood boards. Look for an email from me very soon. My living room needs help!

    Happy Anniversary!

  23. Absolutely love the renovation - so clean, modern, and fresh. Although I loved your old design too. This is on my to-do list for 2009 as well.

    Hope things are improving with Charlotte!!

  24. The blog looks great! You and your dad did a fantastic job.

    I can't wait to see what's to come.


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