Wednesday, January 21, 2009

1 down, 1 to go.

There are a few things I know for sure:

1. I love my husband
2. I love my dog
3. I really enjoy lying on the beach with both my husband and my dog
4. I really like typography

So when I stumbled upon this print, I knew it was perfect for the dining room art that I've been searching for!

It's perfect for our Orange County home and I can't wait to put it up! One more print to find and I'll be set....


  1. i love this print!! i've been dying to buy it for about 1 year now but i'm waiting until we paint our master.

  2. VERY cute. The artist is from my hometown... which makes me love it all the more!

  3. Awesome print...what a perfect fit for you!

  4. Haha. That is the cutest print!

  5. That is precious!! I love it!!


THANK YOU for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate each and every comment.