Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tidings of comfort and joy.... and lots of good food

Christmas was great this year, filled with small gifts and lots of great food. We went to Matt's parents house, who live an hour away. I came back home with some great gifts: Domino Mag subscription, Cooking Light subscription, pearl earrings and a KitchenAid Pasta Maker attachment (from my in-laws).

But the gifts weren't what was important - we laughed and ate lots of great food. We even called my family in Texas on Skype's video chat. It will definitely be a tradition from this year on; I had such a great time talking with my family 'face to face'. It was a Christmas to remember!

And on to the fun part - the pictures!

My awesome vintage dress - I just loved it, even if my brothers-in-law called it a tablecloth ;)

My "Please don't take my picture while I'm cooking" face

Scrabble is not my forte.

15 months of marriage and still going strong!

The aftermath of Christmas morning

It was pouring, and I LOVED it!

Matt's Nanny, she's a hoot!

And our adorable Charlotte, doing what she does best.


  1. Great pictures Bryn. The dress is very pretty. My husband love vintage anything..I took him to Anthropologie for the first time and he was in HEAVEN there. And since you missed Christmas in Texas, the weather was very TEXAS. We had cold, then hot, then cold, then WINDY COLD. CRAZY1

  2. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas!

    I love that dress - yellow is one of my favorite colors and the lace is beautiful!!

  3. They are serious about Scrabble - is that a dictionary I spy?

  4. Cute pics! It looks like you guys had a great Christmas!


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