Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I fully appologize for this post

I'll finally come out of the closet: I've been bitten by the Twilight bug.

But I have to share...

Totally does it for me.. weak in the knees.

Totally does not do it for me... seems like a total tool.

Anyone else only like him as Edward? I think it's the white skin..?

Anyway, had to share! I'm mid-series, I have the last two books to read.


  1. ha! Don't apologize. I love a little Edward distraction (although I must admit, I'm a Rob fan, too. I think your pic is old... google the December In Style Twilight spread.. umm, yes)

  2. I just came across your blog for the first time and this post made me laugh out loud! I really enjoyed the Twilight series and I totally agree with you. I have heard that he doesn't wash his hair, he believes that your hair "cleans itself" that was the end of finding Rob attractive at all. Love Edward though!

  3. Cracks me up. I do not get the appeal of the books or Edward or any of it.

    I couldn't get through the book, Bella drove me batty.

  4. Oh you're in for some great reading!! Yes, I love Edward but only mildly love Robert Pattinson. Twilight is so addicting!

  5. I love him as Edward- not so much as himself.

  6. He will always be Cedric Diggory from the 4th Harry Potter movie in my mind! I have to admit since I started the series after the movie came out, I keep seeing him in my head as I'm reading them. He IS the perfect Edward. Not so perfect otherwise.

  7. No need to apologize my friend, I too am a Twilight saga fan. Same here, I like him as Edward.

  8. I am in the exact same place as you. I am starting Eclipse. And yes, I like Edward, but not RP. It's something about the hair.

  9. Don't be ashamed... it happens to the best of us! I did not find this guy attracted until I saw the movie either. He looks homeless in every candid photo I've seen of him

  10. You don't ever need to apologize. The thing is the "Twilight" craze goes two ways: those who love it and those who loathe it. No one seems to be in the middle. I haven't seen the movie because I'm sure it's awful compared to the books. That said, a neatly groomed Robert Pattinson is always a lovely sight. Still...he's still Cedric Diggory to me.

    Thanks for sharing and happy reading, Bryn!

  11. Ugh - hate all that is Twilight. Bryn don't cross over!!

  12. I totally agree! I see pics of him as Edward and drool on my keyboard, but pics of R Pattz himself make me want go gag. I guess I'm a sucker for pale skin.

  13. I totally agree. I only have a thing for him in the movie, not for Rob Pattison.

  14. No apologies necessary - I'm a 23-year-old newlywed myself, and I just finished reading Twilight and am looking forward to catching a matinee of the movie this weekend (frugal times mean a lot more matinees, of course!). At first I felt a little silly reading the book, but a few chapters in and I couldn't put it down! It read so quickly! ~ Jennifer

    P.S. I absolutely love your blog!

  15. Lol.... I read all 4 books and was so surprised how into them I got! I mean who would have thought a teenager vampire book would have been so good. Keep reading, it gets better!

    Agree 100% on Edward in the movie, not so great in real life. I will just go on considering them separate... hehe.

  16. Well, in that second picture he looks a bit like a werewolf. Check out those eyebrows! And the neck hair! There's scruffy and then there's rabidly unkempt. I haven't check out Twilight yet, I'm worried about getting completely sucked in!

  17. I love Movie Edward...and Rob is ok. But no one can compete with my book Edward.

  18. lol this post is about 7 months late but I t-o-t-a-l-l-y agree!! Rob himself seems to think he's so hot, but Rob as Edward is so adorably sexy.

  19. I totally agree. I only have a thing for him in the movie, not for Rob Pattison.

  20. You don't ever need to apologize. The thing is the "Twilight" craze goes two ways: those who love it and those who loathe it. No one seems to be in the middle. I haven't seen the movie because I'm sure it's awful compared to the books. That said, a neatly groomed Robert Pattinson is always a lovely sight. Still...he's still Cedric Diggory to me.

    Thanks for sharing and happy reading, Bryn!

  21. I am in the exact same place as you. I am starting Eclipse. And yes, I like Edward, but not RP. It's something about the hair.

  22. Oh you're in for some great reading!! Yes, I love Edward but only mildly love Robert Pattinson. Twilight is so addicting!


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