Saturday, December 13, 2008

5 pm and In Bed

It's close to 5 pm and we've been lounging this afternoon. Yesterday us old folks went out to LA to see one of our favorite comedians and now we are exhausted.

I had to blog because we had some "LA" type experiences...

After the show (around 12 am), Kirsten Dunst stumbled in front of our car. I was staring at a really cute dress, then I looked up at the face and oh! There she was right in front of me. Cute hair.. cute dress... I'm trying to google pictures just to see if our car happen to make it to a paparazzi pic.

We knew the show would end pretty late (for us) so we decided last minute to get a hotel thanks to Priceline. We got back pretty late to the hotel (stupid LA traffic), and were awoken at 7 am with some serious screaming. Right outside our hotel balcony was a large film production.

We were curious and called the front desk, they were filming 2012, which will be released next summer. We spent all morning watching the scene.

I know for those who live in LA these things are a daily occurrence, but it made for a very interesting overnight stay for us non-locals :)

Now it's back to our mundane lives of folding laundry and Office Christmas parties. Be back Monday!

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