Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thanksgiving Thrift

I'm on the prowl.

Ever since I saw one of my favorite bloggers, mrs. jeune marie, wear this adorable vintage dress to go pumpkin picking, I can't stop thinking about it!

I'm just dying to find something similar to wear for Thanksgiving. I searched Salvation Army today during lunch and found only bad 90's dresses. I have one more shot at my local Christian thrift, then eBay's my only answer.

On a side note, Salvation Army had the BEST antique furniture. I was feverishly blackberry messaging my husband while in the store secretly wishing he'd write back saying "No way, honey, buy it! Buy it all!" Alas, he did not say that and my no-credit-card-carrying-for-that-exact-reason self had to suffice with the clothes section.

I did manage to score some great tops and a super comfy sweater; hopefully I'll be able to vlog my finds.

Anyway back to the dress, I've found some options on eBay:

Oh my gosh! Sarah at Jeune Marie came to the rescue! She found these even better options for me:

UPDATE: I am now the proud owner of the second dress. I loved the first dress, but unfortunately it was a tad too big and a tad too loud (when you have loud curly hair, it's sometimes better to have more understated clothes). And I couldn't pass up the corduroy details on the second dress:

A big THANKS to Sarah again!


  1. Bryn - Thanks so much for the sweet compliments!! If your going to be in Austin for Thanksgiving, we should TOTALLY meet up and I can take you to all of my favorite vintage shops around town!


  2. Found these for you... the first one is DEAD ON!!


    Hope this helps in your search!

  3. I am a vintage/thrift shop junkie! I love mixing up the patterns and looks and am partial to the bias cut. I love that first one but the 2nd one would be understated and look great with some orangey bakelite jewelery! I wish I lived on the West Coast because their shops are outstanding for vintage finds! Nice work Sarah and Bryn!

  4. LOVE that second dress! You're lucky you snagged it or I might've stolen it :) Post pics for sure!

  5. Love the dress...great finds! Post pictures when you get it!

  6. When I saw her Pumpkin hunting dress I about died. I love it! And now I am loving yours! I want one toooooo :)

  7. I am a vintage/thrift shop junkie! I love mixing up the patterns and looks and am partial to the bias cut. I love that first one but the 2nd one would be understated and look great with some orangey bakelite jewelery! I wish I lived on the West Coast because their shops are outstanding for vintage finds! Nice work Sarah and Bryn!

  8. When I saw her Pumpkin hunting dress I about died. I love it! And now I am loving yours! I want one toooooo :)

  9. Found these for you... the first one is DEAD ON!!


    Hope this helps in your search!


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