Monday, November 24, 2008

Back Home Camera Phone: Day 2: Plano to Norman to Tulsa

Here's your day 2 installment of camera phone pics! We woke up early in Plano, Texas this morning to head out to Norman and Tulsa, Oklahoma.

It's funny how no matter how old you get, some things never change - like how my family waits by the front door while my mom always is running late :)

I took that opportunity to spend some quality time with their dog, Austin.


And some unwanted cuddling (on his part).

He looked so regal in my scarf.... and he actually liked wearing it!

This face says Matt's ready to leave

First thing we did when we got into Norman was go to our favorite college bar - O'Connell's.
They have Literally. I just about died - I hadn't had one since 2006. This one is called the Ranch Hand - meat, cheese, ranch and bacon. It doesn't get much better than that.

Not many things are better than the Ranch Hand- but THIS is definitely in the running. I went to one of my favorite antique stores in Norman, and they had this huge arrangement of antique bottles - all for $1 each! I picked up 7 great ones, I'll blog them later ;)

I gasped when I saw these glasses - they have the most fabulous vintage pattern in silver on etched glass. 8 glasses for $9, the entire collection for $30. I begged Matt to let me bring them back, but they wouldn't quite fit in our suitcases (along with my 7 vintage bottles already).

We are stopping back in Norman on the way back to Dallas.... maybe I can beg Matt enough to let me get them! (Maybe they can ship??)

Are they worth it? If so - leave me a shout out to help me convince the husband!

Isn't this mixer great? I love the milk glass bowl. I imagine it in one of Erika's kitchens.

After the antique store we headed out to Tulsa... and ended the night with a great dinner (fruit salad featured below).

My grandmother is so creative - Any creativity I have I got from her (she's a painter too). She used this old quilt as a tablecloth.

And I'll end today's camera phone post with a picture of my grandfather using his iPhone. I just about died when he pulled it out.


  1. Mmm, that burger looks delish! I've never eaten at O'connells. Just lots of drinking.
    What antique store is that? I'll have to stop by!

  2. My mixer is a vintage 1954 model (white) complete with glass bowl. It's one of my favorite finds!

  3. Bryn - forget the glasses! Go back and get that mixer!!!

  4. Bryn - forget the glasses! Go back and get that mixer!!!


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