Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Heavenly Cheap

After working hard in LA Thurs-Sat, the husband decided it's time for a little rest and relaxation so we hopped in the car with the dog and drove 20 miles to Laguna Beach. It was one of those perfect beach days - 70s, not a cloud in the sky.

We decided to grab some sandwiches (matt) and salad (me) at one of our favorite bakeries when my eyes wandered over to the sign - "Everything under $17.95". What???

Let me backtrack - I've gone in a few clothing stores in Laguna and they are insultingly overpriced, so I've never been much of a shopper when I go to that town. But I was so happy when I saw a reasonably priced bargain store in one of the most "ritziest" towns in OC! I ran in, quickly purchased three shirts while the husband waited outside with the dog, and I swore to myself I'd never go to Laguna without visiting that store (sorry matt!).

Heavenly Couture - Laguna Beach

Lucky for you readers, they have a website! Some of their items online are pretty ugly, I admit, but browse around - you may find some gems! (Side note: There were no ugly items in the store, I think the buyer/manager for the Laguna location knows style and knows that their clientele knows style too. If you are local to So Cal, defintely stop by the store).

Here are some cute things I found online (all three shirts I purchased in store are not online).

Speaking of Laguna, here are some images I took on the weekend we went there for our anniversary. The marine layer was so low and thick you can see it on the hills.... very pretty.


  1. I LOVE Laguna but HATE the traffic. The last time we went I took my mom to the Pageant and we managed to make it in and out of the canyon in under an hour! Amazing! Next time you go have dinner at BJ's Pizza and get a pazooki in my memory. :)

  2. So gorgeous. Living there must be like a vacation!

  3. oh your are making me want to live in Cali so much :) Those tops are precious. congrats on your great finds. i will be checking out the website!

  4. Love that jacket! And what great prices! Thanks Bryn!!

    ps. you should post the items you picked up cause I'm loving your style!

  5. I love those shirts you bought!!! Tres cute!


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